Q: What is a pressing cloth used for?
A: To prevent uniform fabric from becoming shiny.
Q: What is the correct lacing method for boots?
A: Laced straight across with laces tucked inside.
Q: What part of the short sleeve shirt should have a single crease?
A: The sleeves, from the epaulette to the cuff.
Q: What is the max hair length for male cadets?
A: It must not touch the ears or eyebrows and should be tapered.
Q: What happens if a cadet has double creases on their pants?
A: It makes the uniform look messy and unprofessional.
Q: Name two materials that can be used as a pressing cloth.
A: Thin towel, pillowcase, soft cotton cloth, paper bag.
Q: Why is it important to polish boots in circular motions?
A: It helps work the polish into the leather for a smooth shine.
Q: How should the jacket sleeves be pressed?
A: Roll pressed, avoiding creases.
Q: How should female cadets tie their hair?
A: In a bun or braid that does not extend past the shirt collar.
Q: What is the consequence of not lacing boots correctly?
A: Boots may look untidy, and laces could come undone, posing a safety risk.
Q: Where should the crease on trousers be positioned?
A: At the center of the front and back of each leg.
Q: What tool can be used to clean the welts of the boot?
A: An old toothbrush.
Q: What is the proper way to starch a collar?
A: Lightly apply starch and press with an iron to keep it firm.
Q: Where should sideburns be trimmed?
A: No longer than mid-ear and tapered to match the hairstyle.
Q: Why should cadets avoid excessive wrinkles in their uniform?
A: Wrinkles make the uniform look sloppy and show a lack of attention to detail.
Q: Why should you always iron along the same crease?
A: To avoid creating double creases, which look unprofessional.
Q: How do you know when boots are properly polished?
A: They have a mirror-like shine with no visible polish streaks.
Q: Why should pockets be pressed flat?
A: To maintain a neat and professional appearance.
Q: Name two hair accessories allowed in uniform.
A: Simple black, brown, or navy blue hair ties and bobby pins.
Q: What is the impact of unpolished boots during an inspection?
A: It can result in a lower inspection score and reflect poorly on the cadet’s discipline.
Q: What happens if you iron directly on uniform fabric without a pressing cloth?
A: It can cause fabric shine and damage the material.
Q: Why is boot care essential for inspections?
A: Clean, polished boots reflect discipline, attention to detail, and uniform pride.
Q: What should you avoid when ironing the jacket sleeves?
A: Creating sharp creases—jacket sleeves should be smooth.
Q: Why is hair grooming important in the cadet program?
A: It ensures a professional appearance and maintains uniformity.
Q: Name three common uniform infractions seen during parade nights.
A: Unpolished boots, incorrect hair grooming, and improper uniform pressing.