The Ruler of the Plains Kingdom
Shy/ Shynbb/ Seiov
Kingdom with a Leader, NOT a Ruler
Name of 1st Lore Stream
Once Upon a Time
Reasoning for Emi becoming a Detective
The murder/death of her mother
Title the previous Nether Kingdom Rulers announced she would be reverting back to
Ruler that has two names
Won Kingdom Build Comp
Snow + Desert
Number of Season 1 Episodes
Known Caves Kingdom Members/Connections
The Hooded Figure
Reason Emi ALWAYS hesitates to take up another case
She is still dealing with her sister’s disappearance + Mother's Murder
NON Ruler Main Lore Characters
Aza, iTiny, Majes, Emi
3 Ways to Change Kingdoms
1. Redeem Channel Point
2. Green Card
3. Win as Stream Prize
In Episode 5, "A Pirate's Greed" ; Whose greed is it referring to?
The Golden Pirate
marked the beginning of open conflict in “0 Days Remaining”
The explosion of the Nether Kingdom Castle
What event involved climbing a giant palm tree to claim victory
King of the Coconut
ONLY Human Main Lore Character
Kingdom BARELY affected by the War + Kingdom MOST affected by the War
Sky, Water
Germanish's Last Seen Date
Nov 25th
Shocking piece of information was discovered within the Pyramids on a Royal Post News Letter
Glutinous Caves King Overthrown by New Ruler
Final cliffhanger moment at the end of the conference
Emi sending a letter to Aza noting "It's Time" for the Heist
Main lore characters who did NOT have at LEAST 1 parent killed by the Hooded Figure
Ethan, iTiny, Emi, Majes
Every Royals SMP Kingdom Mentioned
Plains, Water, Sky, Desert, Snow, Nether, Caves (7Main), Emi's OG Kingdom,Sky Kingdom Ruler Prior Kingdom, Aza's Original Kingdom
The Lost, The Old, The New
Germanish, Previous Nether Kingdom (Old Ruler), The Rebellion (Aza)
Aza was willing to stand by Emi, but Emi told her to do this instead if trouble came their way
"Use me. You have people to preotect, a whole kingdom to keep safe. I have no one. You can’t be risking yourself and your reputation, Aza"
R!Emi's Last Name (Family Name)