The Perioperative Environment
Wound Closure
Perioperative Safety
Sterile Technique
Sterilization and Disinfection

These are the 3 Zones of the Perioperative Environment

What are: Unrestricted, Semi-restricted and Restricted


These are the 3 main types of needle points used in surgery and when they would likely be used. 

What are: Cutting (for Skin or Tough Tissue), Blunt (Friable tissue - Spleen, Liver and Cervix), Taper (pretty much everywhere else) 


This is the purpose of the Universal Protocol

What is to eliminate wrong site, wrong procedure and wrong person surgery. 


This is the difference between Asepsis and Sterility

What is Asepsis is the absence of pathogenic microorganisms whereas Sterility is the absence of all microorganisms including spores. 

This is the system for categorizing items to be disinfected according to their use. Items are categorized as Critical, Semi-Critical or Non-Critical  

What is the Spaulding Classification System 


This is the document we use as a cheat sheet or "recipe card" for surgery - specific to each surgeon for each surgery - and also to pick all the supplies need for that case.

What is a Doctor's Preference Card (DPC) or Picklist 


These are the 6 phyiscal characteristics of sutures. 

What are: Diameter, Physical Configuration (Mono vs Multifilament), Capilarity, Knot Tensile Strength, Memory, Elasticity 


HIPAA is not a large land mammal, but an acronym for this US organization responsible for maintaining privacy within healthcare

What is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 

These are the primary goals of sterile and aseptic technique

What are: to prevent surgical site infection, to optimize wound healing, and to minimize surgical recovery time 


Surgeries where there is controlled (intentional) entry into the respiratory, alimentary (GI) or genitourinary (GU) tract fall into this wound classification

What is Class 2 - Clean Contaminated 


These are the areas of the Hospital where you can wear your surgical attire (scrubs, shoe covers and hat)

What is - Anywhere within the overall building envelope - cafeteria, meeting rooms, adjacent buildings connected through a tunnel. Not Starbucks or Restaurants on Broadway

These are the two main classifications of suture Materials 

What are Absorbable and Non-Absorbable 

This organization is responsible for overseeing health care payments and HIPAA as well as refusing payment for treatments that result in poor patient outcomes. 

What is the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, or CMS 

These are the principles that unscrubbed persons should follow when moving around the sterile field. 

What is: Always face the sterile field when passing by; Stay as far back as possible; Do not pass between two sterile fields; Do not reach over a sterile field


This is the first step in the decontamination process for surgical instruments 

What is Cleaning


This is the best course of action if you spot someone in the OR corridor (Racetrack) not wearing hair covering

What is - be respectful, remind them that one is required in this area and advise them of the closest location to get one

These are some considerations when passing sutures to the surgical team

What are: Needles should be kept in their packages or in a puncture proof container until use, Use a Neutral Zone instead of Hand to Hand passing, Use an appropriate size/length of needle driver for the area/suture. 


This is the catch phrase of the IOM report "To Err is Human - Building a Safer Healthcare System" 

What is "do the right thing" 


These are examples of major breaks in Sterile Technique

What are: Use of unsterile instruments or equipment ; Gross spillage from the GI tract; Delay from contamination to recognition of contamination 

This is the only time that it is acceptable to process instruments via Immediate Use Steam Sterilization (IUSS) 

What is: when there is insufficient time to process by the preferred wrapped method, and not as a substitution for inadequate inventory. 


These are part of your Room Safety Check that needs to be completed every morning before the first case. 

OR Bed (location and configuration), Lights (Room and Operating), Suction (Anesth and Surgical), Safety Straps, IV Pole with Clips x 2, Semi-circle furniture, Slate, Case Cart 


This is an example of a synthetic, absorbable suture

What is: 

Polyglyconate (Maxon) 

Poliglecaprone (Monocryl) 

Polyglactin (Vicryl) 

Polydioxanone (PDS) 


These are the three types of errors that can occur in healthcare based on Human Factors 

What are: Skill Based, Situational and Knowledge Based 


These are the items that should be verified prior to opening any sterile packaged item to the sterile field. 

What are: 

correct item, package integrity, external sterility indicators, expiration date (if applicable) 

This is the most common sterilization method in our hospitals

What is Steam Sterilization 
