Throwback Thursday

Name locations for backboard, reeves, binder lift, pedi mate, pedi-immobilizer, scene vest in the ambulance

Side Skinny Compartment, Bench Seat, Rolling Door Compartment


Explain what information you need from a fall patient

Was it witnessed? Did they hit their head? Bleeding/injuries? How’s their mental status? Is this their baseline? How does this differ from their baseline? Blood thinners? GCS? Pupils?


You are dispatched to a call, you get into the ambulance, try to turn it on, and the engine doesn’t turn on. What do you do?


What departments do Micah's & Maya's father teach in respectively



Name all the 12-lead indications


Chest Pain, Pressure,Tightness, HR > 150 reg, HR>120 irreg, HR <50, Epigastric Pain, Diff Breathings, Pre/Syncopal, Weakness, Stroke Symptoms < 24 HRs


Diabetes, Illicit Substance Use, Cardiac History, Family Cardiac History, Severe Obesity


You have backboarded a pregnant patient, and are now getting ready to transport. In what position do you transport them?

Left side, put blankets and sheets behind to pad, 15-30°.


How Do You Jump the Ambulance

Quick Connect, 5 minish, increase intervals as needed, leave outside running for 30 min, apparatus ticket


What is the clearance for the bridge on the corner near Boylan

10' 0"


What is the difference between a heart attack and a cardiac arrest?

Cardiac arrest is a lack of heart beating (inadequete), heart attack is when one of the coronary arteries gets blocked and muscle tissue dies, if untreated leads to cardiac arrest

Take a 12-Lead and Monitor Says STEMI, what should you do?
Call for interp, ALS, Go fast to hospital, ASA, Explain what is going on, be ready for pt to code.

What is the Ideal way to check oil fluids?

Operating temp


What was the name of the fourth Star Wars movie released in chronological order?

The Phantom Menace


What is the acronym commonly used to consider different types of altered mental status?

AEIOU TIPS - alcohol, epilepsy, insulin, oxygen, uremia, trauma, infection, pharmacology, stroke

  1. What is the rate of breath to compression for 2 person neonatal CPR? Ped CPR?

Neonate -> 3 compressions to 1 breath, 120 actions/minute

Peds -> 15 compressions to 2 breaths, 110 actions/minute


You are on a call and the stretcher battery is flashing yellow and automatic functions isn't working, what will you do next?

Replace w/ Back up battery from rolling door compartment. Use manually if that doesn't fix (put red arms all the way back)


Who Directed "Fight Club"

David Fincher


What are we most concerned about when we have large surface area burns?

Dehydration, loss of heat, shock - burn tissue doesn’t keep in heat very well


How does CPAP work? Indications vs contraindications?

  1. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure → increases patient’s PEEP, which is the pressure at the end of exhalation

  2. Indications: difficulty breathing as a result of CHF or other causes of pulmonary edema

  3. Contraindications: hypotension (CPAP puts pressure on cardiovascular system and decreases cardiac output), unresponsiveness or an inability to ventilate effectively (CPAP requires pts to breathe on their own, and provides pressure upon EXHALATION), pneumothorax, uncontrollable vomiting, facial trauma


Ambulance is having issues dumping during truck check/you notice it is only dumping on one side. What are the steps to potentially fix this.

Turn dump enable on/off, box on/off, truck on/off, power cycle (Get Controller from top glove compartment, connect to under steering wheel, turn on & off). If none of these work -> Ticket


What was the name of the first ALS level agency in the US

Freedom House Ambulance Service
