This is our per head Dollar amount Goal.
What is $21,000.00
A number which represents the percentage of profit on any given job.
What is a margin?
This garage door material is known for being lightweight, rust-resistant, and low-maintenance.
What is aluminum?
This 1997 film starring Leanardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet became the highest grossing film of all time upon its release.
What is "Titanic"?
A great leader inspires others by setting this, through their own actions and behavior.
What is an example?
The total employee head count for Commercial
What is 28.5
You can find bookings under this header tab.
What is jobs?
Standard Lift, High Lift and Vertical Lift?
What are sectional door track configurations?
What sci-fi film directed by Steven Spielberg features a young boy who befriends an extraterrestrial being.
What is "E.T."?
Effective leaders don't just talk; they actively do this to understand their team's concerns.
What is listening?
This is reviewed after "Bookings"
What is Incomplete Estimates
Under this tab you will find: material, equipment and voided.
What are PO's?
The safety standard that automatic gates fall under.
What is UL-325?
In this 1994 film, Tom Hanks portrays a man with a low IQ who inadvertently influences major historical events while running across the country.
What is "Forrest Gump"?
Great leaders know that failure isn't the end, but an opportunity to do this.
What is learn and grow?
This is the % above the sales goal when you can receive a double bonus.
What is 20%
Everyone is encouraged to generate potential work through this tab.
What is leads?
This component of a garage door system provides counterbalance to make lifting the door easier.
What is a torsion spring?
In The Dark Knight, Heath Ledger played this iconic villain.
Who is The Joker?
A key leadership trait, this ability allows leaders to recognize and understand the emotions of others.
What is emotional intelligence?
New customers started on 9-16-2020 at this amount
What is 18,956
Where the inbox, reports and carousel photos are located.
What is the dashboard?
A rolling door that drops automatically at 165 degrees.
What is a fire door?
This 2015 sequel, set in a galaxy far, far away, became the highest-grossing film in North America.
What is "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"?
This term refers to a leader’s ability to visualize the future and set a direction for their team or organization.
What is vision?