A section of Boomtown to notify clients you should reach out to or “Top opportunities"
What is the Now tab?
What Rezora is primarily used for
What is Email Marketing?
**also accepting email blasts
The acronym to identify / Qualify a client
What is LPMAMA?
Form that needs to be signed by EWM management in order to get paid
What is the Escrow Commission Request?
*Also accept Pink Sheet
Riley Smith Group word of the year
What is Commitment?
The percent you lose if you don't call a new registration in 5 Minutes
What is 400%?
Minimum listing price required for luxury brochures in LucidPress
What is $1.5 Million and over?
Define the acronym referenced above
What is Location, Price, Motivation, Agent, Mortgage, Appointment?
How many days do I have to turn in an escrow check to the office
What is immediately?
First member of the Riley Smith Group
Who is Sandy Nelson?
Days in the Boomtown qualification calendar?
What is 15 Days?
LucidPress primarily used for
What is Print Marketing and Social Media?
Also accept flyers
3 main Lead Gen categories
What is Inbound, Outbound and Sphere?
3 major times a buyer can back out of a contract
What is during the inspection period, if they don't get approved for a mortgage or the property doesn't appraise?
Our volume goal this year
What is $135,000,000?
Define the Following:
What is New? Haven't looked at a lead yet
What is Qualified? Actively qualifying lead
What is Hot? Appt. set or currently working with client.
What is Nurture? Ready to buy or sell within 3-6 months
What is Watch? Ready to buy or sell within 6-12 months
Where to request a new template design
What is template Request Form on the RSGResource?
Also accept Resource Page
How to come up with your prospecting numbers.
What is coming up with a business plan?
form is needed for a house built pre-1978
What us a Lead Based Paint disclosure
How many people are on the Team (Staff + Agents)
What is 45?
A lead is looking to buy a house in East Kendall under $550,000. They have been pre-approved by Fembi, however are going to wait 7-8 months due to travel. Name their category
What is watch?
In LucidPress, social media images are downloaded in jpg format, but what format are print flyers/brochures downloaded as?
What is PDF?
3 step format to handle an objection
What is acknowledge, accept and ask another question?
Day the inspection Period ends: If the effective date of a contract is December 12th and we have a 15 day inspection period
What is December 28th ?
Riley's Quote
What is "work to learn before you work to earn"?