Tort Complaints
Primary Risk Factors
Campus Partners
Key Terms

A private or civil wrong, such as assault, battery, negligence, or reckless misconduct, for which the court provides a remedy by awarding damages. 

What is a tort?


Cleaning and providing maintenance are examples of caring for this.

What is equipment?


The decision to require staff to maintain First Aid & AED certifications would be part of the response plan for this type of emergency.

What is a medical or injury emergency?


This is a university's chief legal officer and primary attorney, responsible for all legal matters affecting the university.

What is the general counsel?


Qualifications necessary for an individual to participate in an activity.

What is eligiblity?


This refers to the monetary compensation sought or awarded in a lawsuit as a remedy for breach of contract.

What are damages?


Installing surveillance systems to the campus recreation facilities would improve this key component of risk mitigation.

What is security (or safety)?


During this type of emergency, facility staff should direct all occupants within the facility outside to a designated location that is a safe distance away from the facility.

What is a fire emergency?


This unit on campus is responsible for the safety and security of the campus community.

What is a campus safety or police department?


This is a legal document relieving the defendant of any duty he or she may have otherwise owed the plaintiff.

What is an assumption of risk?


This is considered to occur when one's conduct falls short of the expected standard.

What is a breach?

Orientation and in-service to teach and maintain employees' requisite skills and knowledge is an example of this part of the operation.

What is training?


When facility staff are alerted to severe weather near the facility (such as a tornado), this is where occupants of the facility should be directed to take shelter.

What is the interior, ground level of the facility?


This unit on campus provides a variety of services to support the health and well-being of students.

What is the student health center?


Agreement to do something or to allow something to happen only after all the relevant information has been provided or facts known. 

What is informed consent?

An obligation imposed on an individual to adhere to a reasonable standard of care while performing any acts that foreseeably could harm others.

What is a duty to act?


An example of this would be contacting the appropriate emergency personnel immediately in the event of a life-threatening accident or injury.

What is the response?


Run, hide, and fight (in that order) would be the appropriate type of response during this type of emergency.

What is an active shooter emergency?


At UT, this office is focused on empowering students through advocacy, unwavering support, and fostering a sense of mattering and belonging.

What is the Dean of Students Office?


A chance of being injured or a possible source of danger.

What is a hazard?


This refers to a reasonable connection between the breach of duty and the injury.

What is causation?


In the case of a claim being filed against the operation, this would help showcase that personnel are trained appropriately and that the operation is managed safely according to industry best practice.

What is documentation?


This should be obtained prior to providing care to a participant who has been injured during a recreational activity.

What is consent?


This unit on campus is responsible for maintaining the physical environment of the campus, including the buildings, grounds, and utility systems.

What is facilities services?


Assumption by the law, when surrounding circumstances exist which would lead a reasonable person to believe that consent would be given, that someone who is unconscious, confused, or seriously ill or injured and thus cannot grant consent would consent if he or she were able to do so.

What is implied consent?
