From Mrs. Dammers classroom which way do you turn and what side of the hallway do you walk down during a FIRE DRILL only?
turn left waling down the left side of the hallway
Where will backpacks be kept during the day?
Lockers (front of the classroom until we get lockers)
What is expected of you before you sit down in your seat after entering the classroom?
Sharpen pencils and gather supplies
How many binders should you have?
How do you get a hall pass? What must you fill out and get signed to leave class?
Your planner
From the 6th grade hallway where do you walk to during a fire drill?
Out the 6th grade doors, turn left following the breeze way, and out to beside the softball/baseball field
What doors do 6th grade students use?
6th grade hallway doors found at the end of the hall near the media center
When is it acceptable to use the supply station?
at the beginning or end of class
What is the minimum number of dividers you need in your binder?
6 dividers
What is responsibility if you need extra help?
You are responsible for communicating to your teacher that you need help
Describe the Tornado drill.
Duck in cover in the hallway silently
How should we walk down the hall? (looking for 5 things specifically)
Feet forward, face forward, silent, walking down the right side of the hallway, hands to ourselves
What percentage of your average does homework and classwork make up?
What are the subsections should you have in your science section?
Table of contents for notes
What happens if you do not finish your classwork during class time?
It becomes homework
What does it mean when a code "yellow" is called?
No one leaves the classroom. It usually means a medical emergency and we need to keep the hallways clear for help to get through.
How much is a lock for a locker and where can you parent/guardian pay the fee?
$4 schoolcash online
Link found on school website and SCS website
Where is extra credit located? When can it be done?
Pink extra credit cart.
After ALL classwork and other assignments are completed and turned in.
What sub-sections should you have in the math section of your binder?
Table of contents for notes
Classwork (separated by black card stock paper)
Where do you go if you are outside the classroom when code red is called?
nearest classroom. If no classroom is available stay in the bathroom with the stall door locked.
What does a code "red" mean?
Doors locked, blinds closed, everyone goes to the sit on the floor in the corner by the sink ABSOLUTELY silently
What is your responsibility in the morning between 7:40-8:00am?
45 mins each of i-ready math and reading
What is the late work policy?
Entered as a zero, -10% per day late, stays a 0% after 1 week late.
What should your math/science sections match? Where can you look/check?
Mrs. Dammer's AVID notebook found at the front of the classroom above the turn in station
Explain the 5 steps of the discipline policy.
1- verbal warning
2-written reflection
3- parent contact and lunch detention
4- parent/teacher conference and ASD
5- Administration Referral