DBT is an effective treatment for people who have...
Difficulty controlling their emotions and behaviors.
Problems can be solved using...
Interpersonal effectiveness and problem-solving skills.
Confusion about one's self can be addressed using what skill(s)?
Emotional vulnerability is not a character defect, it is often a product of...
An assumption is something that we cannot prove, and we...
Choose to believe it anyway.
DBT aims to...
Replace problem behaviors with skills.
One can feel better about problems by using...
Emotion Regulation Skills
Emotional dysregulation can be addressed using what kind of skill(s)?
Emotion regulation
Come out of nowhere
Hit really hard (like a "ton of bricks")
Are long-lasting
All people at ANY given point of time are:
Doing the best that they can (given what causes the behavior up until that moment).
DBT helps people experience...
Emotions without acting on ineffective or dangerous behaviors
Tolerating a problem requires...
Distress Tolerance and Mindfulness skills.
Impulsivity (acting on ineffective action urges) can be decreased using what kind of skill?
Distress Tolerance
People who are biologically "sensitive" to emotions may find it hard to be effective when...
People are doing the best they can at any given moment and they ALSO need to...
Do better, try harder, AND be more motivated to change.
DBT skills helps people navigate...
You can stay miserable by...
Using NO skills at all
Problems with other people (getting what you want, maintaining relationships, etc.) can be addressed using what kind of skill(s)?
Interpersonal Effectiveness
People who invalidate you are often...
Doing the best they can.
New behavior is learned in...
All relevant contexts
DBT helps people create a...
Life worth living
Misery is caused by...
Rejecting/refusing to accept reality
What type of skills can be used to address family challenges (and reach a common goal)?
"Middle Path" skills
There may be a poor fit between you and your environment... you may be a:
Who can NOT fail in DBT?
The family/client