A Specific light on each rail car that notifies us we have a door cut out or an open door
What is a Red outside signal light?
The Device that brings the train to a stop located outside the running rail opposite the motor cab.
What the Side Trip Emergency Mechanism?
Look out the window to locate the yellow OSL
What is a Parking?
These brakes apply when train is stopping less than 5 miles per hour.
What is Parking Brakes?
20MPh is the fastest our 2600/3200 train will move in these two Master controller positions
What is a P1 & P2?
This the first step in Troubleshooting Doors.
What is Reset Door Control levers?
Brakes that apply when the Operator Emergency Switch is engaged.
What is Full Dynamic & Parking Brakes?
The acronym for securing the motorcab
What is securing Announcement, Brake 2, control positive off, Close Door?
These brakes apply from 55mph to 5 mph when the master controller is in the brake position
What is a Dynamic Braking?
The P46 is located on the car
What is the B car?
Train is in motion. Master controller is in the power position. Panel reads Door light OFF Brake light OFF.
What is loss of Door Relay?
Train completely Birth in the station. Panel read Door light ON Brake Light ON Master Controller in Power Train will not respond.
What is Standing emergency?
We do this for a parking at track level.
What is Cutting out the parking brakes at track level?
These brakes apply when we put the master controller in b4 on 2600/3200 series train
What is the track brakes, dynamic brakes, and parking brakes?
The head car Jumper switch must be in this position
What is the uncoupled position?
If Door fails to reset we must do this
What is cut out, block and place out of order stickers on defective door?
Panel Reads Door Light ON Brake light ON Train come to a complete stop
What is Moving Emergency?
We must replace this in the motor cab when returning from track level
What is replace the sleet scraper stick in the motorcab
These Brakes are overridden when we go on STEM Bypass
What is the Dynamic & Parking Brakes?
This is the acronym for MUDC key
What is the Multi Unit Door Control key?
Panel reads: Door Light OFF Brake light ON Master Controller in Power Train will not move.
What is an improper Jumper Switch in the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th & 8th rail car?
First step after we contact control for a standing emergency
What is check the primary P switches 4 5 & 11?
Must put the Master controller in coast or power along with this to find our parking
What is put our head out the window?
On the 2600/3200 this brake applies on spin slide feature
What is the Track Brake?
Acronym for DCB?
What is the Door Control Box?