This man built the first car in America
Henry Ford
Mario first appeared in this game
Donkey Kong
Gatorade was created at this school
University of Florida
This NBA player is famous for the "Sky Hook"
This is the longest running animated show in the U.S
The Simpsons
This President was assassinated in 1963
This is the best selling videogame of all time
This Vermont school does not have a football team
University of Vermont
Joe Montana was the face of the 49's. at the end of his career he played for this team
Kansas City Chiefs
In Friends, Ross gets divorced this many times
There were this many days in a week in Roman times
This company started as a playing card developer
Will Ferrell went to this school
University of Southern California
The NFL hall of fame opened in this year
This actor was the first James Bond
Barry Nelson
The shortest war in history lasted this long
45 minutes
Nintendo was founded in this year
This school has the largest academic library
This NBA player retired 3 times, once to play minor league baseball for the White Socks
Michael Jordan
This is Paul McCartney's middle name
This world leader was famous for his "Little Red Book"
Mao Zedong
This NFL player is on the cover of Madden 18
Tom Brady
This school is the 2nd oldest in the country
College of William and Mary
This MLB team has the most players in the Hall of Fame
New York Yankees
This was Stephen Kings first published novel