Someone calls you stupid.
Tell that person that is not nice.
If it happens again, tell that person it is mean
and if they do it anymore you will tell the teacher.
A Joe a 3rd grade student will never play with another student during recess.
Neither rude, mean or bullying. Some kids aren't up to playing with all kids.
Your classmate steps
on your shoe in line.
Behavior is accidental.
Picking your nose
It is bad manners to pick your nose
Making fun of someone's looks, clothes, or family
Criticizing someone intentionally.
You move away from someone
who wants to sit and work with your group.
You are trying to exclude someone on purpose.
Sherry tries to grab Mary's toy without asking.
Mary can help by reminding Sherry
to ask to play with the toy.
Sydney cuts in front of Val
when the teacher says line up.
Val should politely ask Sydney to go
to the end of the line.
Trying to be funny by throwing food in the cafeteria
even though you know you should not throw anything.
Choosing on purpose to use bad manners.
Sally twists your arm because she wants your toy.
You should tell Sally that hurt
and all she needed to do was ask to look at your toy.
Everyday, Alyssa tells other students
that Natalie does not have any friends and she is ugly.
Alyssa is continuing to withhold her friendship.
Larry tells Damien that he can't play with the Legos
because he is the worst builder in the whole first grade.
Larry wants to hurt Damien's feelings.
Mike laughed when Karl tripped
and fell down while walking in the hallway.
Mike's laughter embarrassed Karl
but Mike was not trying to be mean.
Terry and her friends tell Jackie everyday
that she cannot sit with them in the cafeteria.
Terry and her friends have more power and are repeatedly excluding Jackie.
Barry laughs at Allison when she makes a mistake.
Allison should tell Barry laughing at her is mean
and makes her feel bad.
The person beside you is making annoying noises.
Lucy leaves Sarah out every time they go to recess even
though Sarah has asked Lucy several times to include her.
Could be rude or mean; but not bullying. Lucy is continuing to withhold her friendship.
Bobby pushes Dawn down after she yells at him
to stop talking in the hallway.
It happened once.
For a week, Josh pushes Doug while they wait in line at the cafeteria.
Doug has tried moving away from Josh but Josh follows him.
Doug is afraid of Josh.
Behavior is repeated, on purpose and Josh is bigger than Doug.
Kayla tells MacKenzie that she can't sit with her on the bus today because she promised the bus driver to sit with her little sister.
There is no evidence that Kayla is trying to hurt
MacKenzie's feelings on purpose.
Devin and David are friends. In class, they had an argument. Devin calls David a name and then David shoved him out of his way.
Devin and David are being mean to each other. This is not bullying because the boys are usually friends, the power balance is equal.
Brett and Eric play on the same basketball team during recess.
They normally get along but have been arguing for three days.
Brett called Eric a mean name during recess.
So Eric sent Brett a mean text from home.
Brett and Eric intend to hurt each other with their words.
Peter makes faces at you
as you wave hi to them in the hallway.
Interrupting a person who is talking
Suzanne makes plans to sit with her new friend, Gwen. Katie tells Suzanne that if she hangs out on the bus with Gwen that everyone will think she is a weirdo and no one will like her anymore. On the bus, Katie convinces others that it would be funny to laugh out loud when Suzanne sits with Gwen.
Katie is acting like a bully.
She has created an unfair balance of power by getting others to laugh at Suzanne.