This type of therapy focuses on treating emotional and psychological disorders through talking.
This psychologist founded psychoanalysis
Sigmund Freud
doing things while being uneasy
nervous habits
This type of mental health professional has a medical degree and can prescribe medication
What is stress?
Stress is the anxious or threatening feeling resulting from our appraisal of a situation and our reaction to demands placed upon us.
This type of therapy is conducted with multiple patients at the same time
group therapy
This technique involves clients saying whatever comes to mind without censorship.
What is free association
What is physical reaction of stress
This mental health professional holds a doctoral degree in psychology but typically does not prescribe medication
clinical psychologist
What can cause stress?
overworking relationships minor irritation
This therapy emphasizes free will, self-actualization, and personal growth.
humanistic therapy
According to Freud, these thoughts and feelings influence behavior but exist outside of conscious awareness.
what type of personality would you get from stress
This professional often provides therapy in schools and workplaces to help with adjustment and career counseling.
counseling psychologist
what is something in General Adaptation Syndrome
This form of therapy integrates multiple therapeutic approaches
eclectic therapy
This occurs when a patient redirects emotions from their past onto their therapist.
what is a coping stradgey for stress
These professionals help people with severe psychological disorders and often work in hospitals or clinics.
psychiatric social workers
what is stress mostly about
emotional issues
This therapy is focused on helping clients resolve their immediate problems in a short time frame.
brief therapy
Freud believed that patients must recognize these hidden psychological conflicts to heal.
repressed memories and desires
This cognitive-behavioral technique helps clients challenge irrational beliefs
rational-emotive behavior therapy (REBT)
This type of therapist specializes in family and relationship issues
marriage and family therapist (MFT)
what is the main cause of stress
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