Who said this?
Interesting characters
Bumper Sticker Analogies
Good vs Evil
"Bingeing alone is not as meaningful."
friendship, change, growth, isolation, survival, inner strength, destruction Which of these themes does the quote best reflect? "you're standing in the presence of fifty golden years of shoe selling expertise."
inner strength
This character has wit and good sensible shoes.
Who is Jenna
What could this bumper sticker mean in terms of the book and life in general, "Be the lion, not the gazelle"?
Take charge of your life or expect to be eaten and pushed around by others. Mrs. Gladstone needs to be the lion to keep control of her business. Jenna needs to be the lion in order to get where she wants to go in life.
Is Elden's business plan good or evil for the employees and why?
Evil, many of them will probably lose their jobs when it taken over by someone else. Employees who are there will not be trained and could make less money.
"you ungrateful slimeball"
friendship, change, growth, isolation, survival, inner strength, destruction Which of these themes does the quote best reflect? "Take your millions and have a ball"
This character was in love with Alice
Who is the old trucker
What could this bumper sticker mean in terms of the book and life in general, "Don't mess with seniors"?
The gas station attendent and Elden tried to take advantage of Mrs. Gladstone. You should respect older people rather than try to steal or take advantage of them.
Is Jenna's attitude toward her father good or evil and why (justify your answer)?
Her attitude is probably good when it comes to protecting herself, but evil when it comes to having a relationship with him (if that is even possible).
"never punch a man that is chewing tobacco"
Harry Bender
friendship, change, growth, isolation, survival, inner strength, destruction Which of these themes does the quote best reflect? "I've lost 3 jobs in 4 years, I just want to sell what comes to me."
What is survival?
This character is full of himself and the print world backs up that idea.
Who is Ken Woldman
What could this bumper sticker mean in terms of the book and life in general, "Have great soul, and sole"?
It is part of Murray's saying and comes from Gandhi. If you are in the shoe business, it means that you should be a good person and also have good shoes. In life it could mean that you need to be a good person and look your best or have your "best foot forward."
Is Mr. Woldman's influence on business people good or evil?
It depends, he is about making money and if that is all they want then it would be good. If they want to be known for their product, then it would be bad.
"grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference"
AA or Harry Bender
friendship, change, growth, isolation, survival, destruction Which of these themes does the quote best reflect? "Staying sober is the hardest thing I do"
What is change?
This character seemed overworked, and could appreciate an extra hand
Who is Cynthia
What could this bumper sticker mean in terms of the book and life in general, "Kill with kindness"?
It you will be nice to people, even when they are rude to you, that they will not have negative actions/voice to judge you by.
Are there more good or evil characters in the book (support your answer)?
Good is Jenna, Mrs. Gladstone, her grandmother, her mother, Alice, Murray, Mr. Bender (could of added her sister and Opal) Evil is Elden and her father (could of added Mr. Woldman)
"You give them the right price, they give you their business."
Ken Woldman
friendship, change, growth, isolation, survival, inner strength, destruction Which of these themes does the quote best reflect? "And we sat there eating pie"
What is friendship?
This character had a green thumb
Who is the gardener with the gold tooth
What could this bumper sticker mean in terms of the book and life in general, "Don't mess with Texas"?
Don't mess with Mrs. Gladstone (she is Texan). People in Texas are independent and don't like others in their business.
Is the current isolation of Jenna from her friend good or evil for her?
It seems to be good, she is maturing and has more self confidence now.