King Saul
King David
King Solomon
Jeroboam & Rehoboam
Bonus Tie-breaker
(if needed)

Who was the first king of Israel and who anointed him?

Saul was the first king of Israel.

He was anointed by the prophet Samuel.


How did David defeat Goliath?

Slingshot and a stone.


What did Solomon ask God for when he became king?

Wisdom to rule the people justly.


Who was Jeroboam and why did King Solomon want to kill him?

Jeroboam was a servant of Solomon whom God chose to rule over ten tribes of Israel. 

Solomon wanted to kill him because he saw him as a threat.


How did Saul die?

He fell on his own sword during a battle.


What was David’s job before becoming king?

A Shepherd


What led to Solomon’s downfall?

Solomon married many foreign wives, who led him to worship idols instead of staying faithful to God.


What was the purpose of the meeting that Jeroboam and the Israelites had with King Rehoboam?

They asked Rehoboam to reduce the heavy taxes and labor burdens that Solomon had placed on them.


What did King Saul do to be rejected by God?

His ego began to take over.

  • He began to make decisions by himself, and became blind to the arrogance he was acquiring.

  • He was not able to admit that he disobeyed God and rejected Him.

  • James 4:6, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”


What was the difference between how Saul and David responded to their sins?

Saul made excuses and refused to take full responsibility.

David sincerely repented and asked for God’s forgiveness.


What famous event showed Solomon’s wisdom in judgment?

The story of the two women who claimed to be the mother of the same baby.

Solomon suggested cutting the baby in half, and the real mother offered to give up her child to save him.


Who did Rehoboam ask for advice from? What was their advice? Which advice did he follow?

Rehoboam first asked the elders, who advised him to be kind and lighten the people’s burden.

He then asked his younger friends, who advised him to be even harsher.

He followed the advice of his friends, which led to the kingdom’s division.


Why did King Saul want to Kill David?

Saul was jealous of David’s success, popularity, and God's favor upon him.


How was David chosen king? Who anointed David king?

God chose David.

The prophet Samuel anointed him when he was still a young shepherd


How was king Solomon able to build such an elaborate temple?

Solomon was able to build the Temple because of: God's blessing, materials from King Hiram of Tyre, David’s preparations, and a large workforce.


After the kingdom divided, who ruled the northern kingdom, and who ruled the southern kingdom? What were the names of each kingdom? How many tribes were in each kingdom?

Jeroboam ruled the northern kingdom, Israel (10 tribes).

Rehoboam ruled the southern kingdom, Judah (2 tribes: Judah and Benjamin).


How did David spare King Saul’s life and how many times?

David spared Saul’s life twice:

1. once in a cave when he cut a piece of Saul’s robe. 

2. when he took Saul’s spear and water jug while he was sleeping.


Why wasn’t King David allowed to build the Temple?

David was a man of war and had shed much blood.

God chose his son Solomon to build the Temple instead.


What books in the bible did Solomon write?

Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon.


What did Jeroboam do to keep his people from worshiping in Jerusalem?

Jeroboam set up golden calves in Bethel and Dan and told the people to worship there instead of going to the Temple in Jerusalem.


What do the stories of Saul, David, Solomon, and Rehoboam teach us about the importance of obeying God?

Obeying God leads to blessings, while disobedience brings consequences. Saul lost his kingdom, David was forgiven but faced hardships, Solomon’s wisdom was overshadowed by his sins, and Rehoboam lost most of his kingdom because he didn’t listen to good advice.
