This is the bathroom you should be using
big kid restroom
Raise your ________ to speak
Your daily goal is worth how many points if you make it
50 points
True or false: You should keep your hands and feet to yourselves
True or false: we should be mean to each other
False, we should be kind to ourselves and others
True or false: Using appropriate language and kind words includes not name calling, no cursing, no bullying, no sexual language, and no racial slurs
You should keep your hands/feet and _________
What does being safe with my body mean
No fighting, no rough play, not climbing on things that are unsafe, not running in places you shouldn't be running (like the classroom)
When someone asks you to stop doing something you should:
Always try your ________
Respecting others means/property
being kind, keeping hands/feet to yourself, not bullying, using our coping skills, saying what we want to say with kindness, no racial slurs, cleaning up after ourselves, following the rules
Not drawing on things we shouldn't draw on, not throwing or punching things, not using things outside of their intended purpose
Are you allowed to go into the hallways?
When things get hard we can
Ask for help
Use our coping skills
Take a break
Try our best
Do we send your point sheets home every day?