What should you be doing when you go to the restroom?
What should you do if someone tries to talk to you in the hallway.
ignore them
I have something to say or ask a teacher so I will sit in my seat and do this.
Raise my hand
What should I do with phones, smart watches, tablets or other electronic devices I bring from home?
Go to my homeroom classroom, check in and grab my computer. Tell my teacher if I am giong to ASP
Name one thing you should NOT do in the restroom
talk, climb the toilets or hang on stalls, make a mess
Which way should you face in line?
When can I eat snack?
Snack can be eaten any time that you are not on the rug being instructed by the teacher. If you are working at your seat or she is instructing while you are at your seat, you may eat your snack. Snacks and water are not to be taken to the rug when we are together on the rug. Too many people will be spills and messes.
Where can I find information for Mrs. DeVane's class and websites I may need?
What should I bring with me to class each day?
Are you allowed to walk out of the classroom without permission when you need to use the bathroom? (yes or no)
What should you not touch while in line?
What should you be doing if someone else is speaking?
Listen, pay attention, be respectful, and stay quiet
What am I allowed to use my computer for at school?
Only websites and instructional material that the teacher tells me to use. I will not visit other sites or games at school. I can lose my privilege of using a computer while in the MILE classroom.
What should I do when I get to our classroom in the mornings?
I look to the board for more details.
How many people can go to the restroom at a time?
1 boy and 1 girl with passes
What should you do when an adult in the school asks you to do something?
follow their instructions
Where should I sit in the classroom?
Please choose a seat at a table or desk. Try to only sit about 4 to a table, so we have room to spread out. You may choose your space as long as you make good choices. When good choices are not make, I will make the choices individually or as an entire class.
What computer should I use in the clasroom?
Where are supplies I may need for my MILE Day?
Supplies are located on the gray shelf. (Color pencils, crayongs, markers, rulers, scissors, glue, etc.) You are more than welcome to bring your own supply/pencil boxes from your classroom, but you do not have to bring them.
If you are talking or playing in the restroom and a teacher hears you and asks who was talking or playing, what should you do?
Tell the truth! You'll get in less trouble!
When walking down the hallway what should you be doing?
walking normally, quietly, in a line, and close enough to touch the person in front of you, but don't touch them.
What are the classroom rules?
I have ONE classroom rule:
This covers all the others things: be prepared, do your best, listen, follow all school rules, be kind and respectful, raise your hand to talk, having good character, etc.
Where are the pencil sharpeners?
Pencil sharpeners are by the door and on the counter. Use them in the mornings. After that, you may find a sharpened pencil in the pencil bucket or ask a friend to borrow one. PLEASE MAKE sure to sharpen at least 2 each morning.
What do I do for afternoon dismissal?
put my binder away, pack up my belongings, clean up y area, and get ready to go back to class for announcements and going home.