Things that other classes might not care about but should never be brought into THIS class
Snacks, Open drinks, GUM
How long before class ends?
10 minutes
While I take attendance, your...
30 days before what happens?
NO Credit on your assignments
80% Humidity
Ways you should never be using your computer
Anything inappropriate, camera to check fit, games, YouTube, or Emails (unless to teachers after work is completed)
How long after class starts?
10 minutes
Come in with your...
Chromebooks SHUT
Where do you find out what to do to get a better grade on an incomplete assignment?
Comments in Powerschool
Retakes are _____ or _____ school
Before, After
Never during my lecture, only during your work time...
Leaving the room
How many out?
1 at a time
Use materials the way they are...
Intended to be used
1st choice is expand on your work to make sure it’s quality, then work from mine, then...
Other class work or choice board or reading or head down.
Be considerate to ____ and ____
Yourself and others
Never _____ ______ Like, EVER EVER...
Throw things
Don't ruin my...
Bring back my...
Hall Pass
Calm _____, Calm ______
Bodies, Minds
Learning will still happen, even when...
You don't have a charged chromebook=handwritten work.
When there is a sub, consequences are?
Something never leaves my room...
Water Bottle, fill it in my room
Can’t follow safety expectations? What happens?
Lose hands-on activities
Have what ready first thing?
Science Notebook and Pencil
You ____ and ____ EVERYTHING
Break, Ruin