Where is it?
What will happen?
Common knowledge
What do I do?

How do you stand in the hallway while you wait for the other class to leave?

What is... quietly (whisper voices) 

If you can not handle whisper voices, we will make you stand silent.

You should also have your chromebooks closed, all your materials in your arms, against the wall, but not touching anything on the walls.


Where can I check first if I did not bring a pencil to class?

What is... the lost and found bin

Please remember to bring all your materials to class. You will ALWAYS need to bring AT LEAST your chromebook and a pencil to class. I would like for you to also bring a book, but I also have a library of books and required reading books available to you. If you do not have a pencil, check the lost and found bin, then ask a friend. If you still were unable to obtain a pencil, you may ask me.


What will happen if you forget a material needed for class and need to leave my class and enter another class?

What is... you will lose 5 minutes of recess.

You will lose recess because part of being a blue pirate is to be responsible and ready. You need to be responsible enough to bring your materials to class so you can be ready to learn.


What do you do when you know an answer to a question or want to share something during class?

What is... raise your hand

Please raise your hand when you have an idea, know an answer, or have something to add to the conversation. This allows others to thing about their answer and gives them time to make connections to the things we are reading. I will not call on you if you are jumping around, waving your hand, or making noises while you have your hand raised. That is distracting to others and makes it hard for them to think.


What do you do if a classmate is unkind to you or to your friend?

What is... walk away and immediately tell a teacher. 

You might not want to confront them right away because when you are upset you might say something unkind and you might not mean it. Walk away and come tell a teacher. You are still learning how to work through your problems, so let us help you! Come tell us so we can help you work out your problems together!


Where can you find all the information for the class like what you are to do when you come in and what we have planned for the day?

What is... on the board


Where do you turn in homework, independent work, or other work that needs to be turned into the teacher?

What is... turn in bin

Please make sure your name is on your paper, you answered ALL questions, and you used your best effort before turning it into your turn in bin. 


You and your classmates are goofing off, playing noises on your chromebooks, talking, touching the things on the walls, and drawing on the walls in the hallway while waiting to be called into class; what will happen?

What is... you will try it again

I will not tolerate inappropriate behaviors when you know the expectations. You and all your classmates will refresh your memory by trying it again the correct way until you all can appropriately walk and wait in the hallways together.


If I give you homework is it optional?

What is... no

When I give you homework I expect it to be done on the due date. If there is not a due date then expect it to be due the next day. If I give you homework I want you to get in the habit of writing it in your homework notebook. This will help you stay organized. If you ever have questions on the homework or need help PLEASE COME SEE ME IMMEDIATELY SO I CAN HELP YOU! Homework is NOT a is extra practice for you to make sure you understand the material and the teacher can see who may need some help and who is an expert on the material.


What do you do if a peer is trying to distract you?

What is...remind them what you are suppose to be doing at that point of class.

First, you want to remind your classmate of what you're expected to be doing at that point of class. If you are to be working on a task, remind them they are to be working through their task. If you are to be listening to a story, you need to kindly remind them to listen to the story and allow you to listen without any distractions. If that does not work you can ignore them and come tell a teacher or raise your hand and politely ask to move to a new spot. You could raise your hand and say something like "Mrs. Gampe would you mind if I moved to find a quieter spot to work/listen so I can focus and complete my work?"


What should you do after you complete the warm up to be successful for the class (if needed).

What is... use the restroom, get a drink, sharpen your pencil

You may also need to get an eraser or do anything you need that might disrupt the class while the teacher is teaching. 

You do not need to ask to do these things ONLY DURING THE FIRST 10 MINUTES OF CLASS.


If I ask you to retrieve something we previously worked on in reading class where might you find it?

What is... in your red reading folder.

It is important to keep your red reading folder clean, neat, and only full of things from reading class. Please do not put anything from another class, reading homework, or required reading in your red reading folder becasue you will then need to come to my classroom to retrieve those items while I am teaching another class. Those things go in the class folder or in your daily/homework folder. If you do not have a daily/homework folder that you carry to every class and take home each day please see me at the end of class to get a folder.


What will happen if you are not doing the correct thing during independent work time?

What is... you will finish it at recess.

I believe you all to be mature, responsible pre-teenagers and I hold you to that standard. I try to make my class interesting, fun, and engaging as much as I can. When I ask you to complete something independently I expect you to be working ONLY on my task and working with your best effort. If you are not doing what you are suppose to be doing during my class or you are messing around then you are showing me that my time is not valuable and important enough to be respected by you, so I will use your time (treat others the way you want to be treated). 


What are Mrs. Gampe's 4 things that make up her "pinky promise" that you all signed at the beginning of the year?

What is... respectful, responsible, kind, and safe.

These are the 4 things that make our classroom run smoothly. Be respectful to me, yourself, your peers, and all staff in the building. Be responsible for all your belongings, keeping track of your homework, and completing all work in class and outside of class. Be kind to me, yourself, others, and all staff. Be safe in all aspects of your school day to ensure you and your peers are safe. It is easier to learn when these needs are met (Maslow's hierarchy of needs).


What do you do when a classmate is breaking a classroom rule?

what is...remind them of the rules. 

First remind them of the classroom rules and tell them exactly which rule they are breaking. If that does not help you can come to a teacher and we can talk to that person and get the behavior or actions to meet our classroom expectations. 


Are you allowed to use flexible seating during warm up time?

What is... no

The answer is no because it takes too much time to clean up when the timer is finished. It is easier to start class when everyone is already in their seats.


I am looking for lined paper to write my creative writer, where would I be?

What is... in the grey drawers found by the student station?

All kinds of paper you may need will be found in the grey drawers found by the student station. This paper can be taken whenever you need without asking. There is also construction paper found in the closet with the birthdays, but if you need construction paper please ask before getting in that closet. I will try my best to have all the materials you need for the day available to you, but if you need something extra just ask!


You ask to use the restroom during my class, what do you need to do before you leave my room?

What is... sign out

It is very important for you to sign out when you leave any classroom so we know exactly where all of our students are at all times; especially incase of an emergency or a drill. 


We can have fun in my class, but what is the most important thing that gets done?

What is...learn

I love to have fun and I love to see you having fun, but I also love to learn new things and I love to see when you have a love for learning too. All your classes are important, but without reading you can not complete other subjects and even do daily tasks! We can have fun, but we also need to learn. We can have fun only if you show me that you are staying on task, trying your best, and getting your work done.


What do you do if your partner or group member is off task and not doing their part of the work?

what is... remind them of their rule in the partnership or group.

First, you will want to ensure the classmate knows what task they are completing and how to complete it. Maybe they are confused or maybe the task is too hard for them. Remind them of their task, ask if they need help, and make sure all members have a distinct rule. If they are still off task you may come to a teacher to intervene and ensure all students are on task. 


What is the order of things you do when you first come into my room?

What is...

1. Get your red reading folder

2. Get your workbook (purple book)

3. Warm up

4. Read or work on homework


Where can you find extra copies of materials if you lose your first copy?

What is... in the extras drawer of the rolling cart. 

You should check both your grades extras and the general extras drawer before coming to me and asking for a new copy. You are responsible for rewriting what needs to be written if you lose your original copy. You may need to ask a friend for theirs so you have the correct materials you need. 


What is the name for the type of consequences Mrs. Gampe tries to give if and when she needs to?

What is... logical consequences (poster found in student station)

Logical consequences are the natural outcome of a person's actions. They are intended to be a teaching tool, not a punishment. This means; if you break it, you fix it (things and feelings), you misuse it, you lose it, messing around, you will try again the correct way. This way of consequences are used for you to learn from your mistakes.


What are my three jobs as a teacher?

What is... teach you, love you, and keep you safe.

I want to see you all succeed in your life and at school. I also want you all to be comfortable enough with me to come to me whenever you need anything. I want to help you in every way I can. I will try to my best to help you and if I can't I will try to find someone that can. You can't learn when you are hungry, cold, stressed, sleepy, etc. You need to take care of those things to help you learn the best and I don't know if you need help if you do not tell me and let me help you.


What should you do if a student is having emotions that they can not control and it is becoming disruptive to the class (and needs the teacher to help them control their big emotions)?

What is...drop everything and read (DEAR)

The best thing for you to do to keep yourself, the other students, and the teacher safe is to drop everything and read. It is much easier if I am able to have my entire attention on that student who needs help and trust that you all are going to stay in your seats and read while I help. It is also important that you all are silently reading, so I can give directions in case I need someone to make a phone call or get another teacher for me.
