Follow directions the ____________ time given.
You need to always ________ and ________ your hands before leaving.
wash and dry
We need to have _______ voices while in the cafeteria.
soft or quiet
Use your __________ voice or _______ voice.
inside, quiet, soft
It is important to take ______ and _______ the equipment.
turns and share
Keep your _______, _______, and other ________ to yourself.
hands, feet, objects
Use Only what you _________.
You need to _______ ____ after yourself.
clean up
Keep your _________ and ________ to yourself
hands and feet
Use the playground equipment the _______ way!
Respect yourself and others with your _____________ and _____________.
kind words, actions
_________ ____ your surroundings.
Clean up
Stay in your _______ and _______ your hand.
seat, hand
Stay in your _______ in line.
Make sure that you _______ in the assigned area!
________________ if you need something or need to leave your seat.
Raise your hand
If you see trash, you should _____________
Pick it up and put it in the trashcan
Always be ________ and ___________ to other students and adults.
polite, kind, respectful
If you drop or see __________, pick it up!
Do not _______ ____ the slide.
There are NO ___________!
It is important to follow the bathroom expectations to __________________
keep us safe, clean, and healthy!
It is important to follow the cafeteria expectations to __________________
stay safe, enjoy time with friends, keep our space clean
It is important to follow the hallway expectations to _________________
stay safe, keep our school clean, get from one spot to another in an orderly fashion.
It is important to follow the playground expectations to
stay safe, have fun, and socialize with friends