Where are Ms. Tait's classroom rules in the classroom?
On the bulletin board with class contracts.
What is the 10-10 rule?
Cannot leave the classroom within the first and last 10 minutes of class.
How many verbal warnings will Ms. Tait give before a level?
What rewards can you earn in Ms. Tait's classroom?
Tait tickets and green tickets.
What are Ms. Tait's 3 classroom rules?
Be respectful. Be kind. Be ready to learn.
Quietly, carefully, and respectfully.
What is a level 1?
A written reflection and warning of your behavior.
What can you get with Green Tickets?
Buy prizes from PBIS store. (Dress down passes, stuffed animals, beach balls, cars, etc).
What activity do we do every day for the first 5-10 minutes of class?
Bell Work
What must yo do in order to leave the classroom for water/bathrooms?
Raise your hand and ask, use agenda passes, sign out, take a hall pass.
What happens with a level 2?
Student fills out level 2. Home is contacted. Lunch detention is given.
What can you get with Tait Tickets?
Candy, prizes, snacks, choose your seat, choose your partner, choose the music
When you want to speak during class and/or need help, what should you do?
Raise your hand quietly and wait to be called on.
Can you use the bathroom while Ms. Tait is actively teaching a lesson? If not, when can you?
No, only on your own work time.
What happens with a level 3?
Asked to leave class. Ms. Tait fills out level. Document sent to Mr. Carl and Mrs. Youel. They contact home and give consequence.
How can you earn Green Tickets and/or Tait Tickets?
Doing bell work when entering the classroom, winning games, following classroom expectations, picking up trash
What happens if you cannot follow these expectations?
You will be asked to leave the classroom to fill out a level.
What do you need to go to the counselor, office, nurse, and/or arriving late to class?
A blue pass that is signed and has a time stamp.
Why would you receive a level?
Not following classroom rules and expectations.
How can your class win fun activities on Fridays?
Good behavior and earning points for the points competitions.