What is the voice level in the hallway?
True or False: Everything in this classroom is up for grabs.
False! It's my stuff. Be respectful.
True or False: You may choose your stations.
What should you do if you see writing on the walls?
Tell a teacher or janitor, or clean it up
What is Ms. Miron's favorite subject?
Reading...or science!
True or False: Jumping and hitting items in the hallway is acceptable.
True or False: I should NOT take a nap in the reading corner...
True or False: It is totally ok to come up to Ms. Miron while she is in small group.
Not really. When I am with a group, they should get my full attention.
How many people should be in a stall?
Only one.
What is Ms. Miron's age?
Which tile should you walk on in the hallway?
2nd tile
How can you take Ms. Miron's books home or to other classrooms?
YOU DON'T :) My books stay here.
What is the volume level during stations?
Unless there is a talking station, you should be completely quiet and working independently.
What is something good to write on the wall of the bathroom?
Absolutely nothing! Do not write on the walls.
Where was Ms. Miron born?
True or False: Walking in the hallway IS a race
False. Duh.
What is Ms. Miron's MOST important rule?
Be respectful.
Who chooses groups for stations?
Ms. Miron!
What should the voice level be in the hallway?
Zero. Silent.
True or False: Ms. Miron has been to Europe.
When is it ok to talk in the hallway to a friend?
Never. Wait until you get to your class.
What is the best way to make progress in reading class?
Pay attention, and always do your best.
How should we rotate stations?
When the timer ends, clean up quietly and wait to move to the next station.
Nope! Group breaks unless its an emergency. Then go to the office.
What is something Ms. Miron loves to do outside of school?
So many things! Rock climb, read, watch movies, cook.