Where do you sit
assigned seat
Who dismisses you
Mrs. Wilson
What electronic device is prohibited
Cell phone
What do I do if I need the restroom
Ask Mrs. Wilson
What do you do when you have a question
Raise your hand
What should you have ready when you sit down
materials, ie paper, pencil
What does not dismiss you
The bell
What physical activity is prohibited
What do you take with you to the restroom
A pass
What do you do if there is no teacher in the room?
Continue working
What do you begin working on
Bell work
What do you do when the bell rings
Wait for dismissal
What fun activity is prohibited except with special permission
What should you do with the pass when you return
sanitize it
What do you do EVERYDAY
In what way should you enter the classroom
Calmly, walking, etc.
In what way should you exit the classroom even in an emergency
Calmly, walking,etc
What should you do when the teacher is teaching/talking
stop talking
What do you do when you have exited the restroom
Go straight back to class
What should you do when you are finished with your work
Work on other classes, work on extra activities
At what noise level should you enter the classroom
What noise level should you use when exiting the classroom
What kind of behavior is absolutely never tolerated
Where do you put passes
on the metal door
What should you try EVERYDAY
To do your BEST