How do you ask to go to the bathroom, without using words?
Raise your hand with two fingers up, twisted together.
(Sign language R)
What do we do during a perimeter lockdown drill?
Continue class as usual with the door closed.
What is the first thing you do when you come in to class in the morning?
Say "Hey Ms. Churchill!"
Just kidding-
Unpack and hang up your backpack!
Where should you keep your snack?
In your backpack or lunchbox!
NOT in your cubby or desk!!
When should you take your hood off?
As soon as you walk into school.
How do you ask to get water, without using words?
Raise your hand with three fingers up.
(Sign language W)
What do we do during a full lockdown drill?
Close the door, turn off the lights, and sit on the floor silently.
We basically pretend we aren't here!
When you get to school, when should you get breakfast?
Before walking to class!!
Where should you put unfinished work?
In your green folder!
(Unfinished work folder!)
Imagine you bump into someone accidentally- they don't fall down but they do get bumped. What should you say?
Excuse me!
How can you show someone you agree with them, without interrupting?
Pinky finger and thumb sticking out and shake back and fourth
What do we do if we hear the fire alarm?
Line up silently with the backpack, wait for our teacher to tell us to go, and then walk to our area outside.
During the morning announcements, what are the three things you should be doing?
Stopping, looking, and listening to Mrs. Jones!
Where should you put finished work?
In the turn- in bins!
Someone comes up to you at recess and asks to play, what do you say?
The more the merrier!
If I need to go to the calm spot, what signal can I show my teacher?
Raise my hand or hold it with a "C" shape
(Sign language for C)
(Hold up green sign that says all clear)
When is a good time to sharpen a pencil?
In the morning, before class starts.
Otherwise, trade it in for a new pencil!!
Where do water bottles live?
On the blue shelf or in your backpack!
What is the most respectful thing you can do while someone is speaking?
Actively listen!
Be looking and listening to the speaker.
I have something REALLY important to say, what should I do?
Raise my hand!
(Unless it's an emergency!)
What do we do during a tornado drill?
Sit down on the floor as far away from outside windows as we can get, in the turtle position.
When is a good time to go to the bathroom?
BEFORE and AFTER a lesson starts.
If the teacher is teaching or showing you something, it is not a good time to go.
Go during breakfast, snack, brain breaks, or quickly during work time.
Where should you keep books?
(from our classroom library or the school library)
In your book bucket!
What would be bad manners at lunch?
-Talking with food in your mouth
-Playing with your food
-Speaking too loudly
-Taking things from others
-Saying the school lunch is gross (You could say, I do not care for this)