Phone and Computer Usage

What do I do if I need to go to the bathroom?

Raised a closed fist, wait for confirmation by the teacher. Then go grab the bathroom pass and go to the bathroom.


Can I use my phone in class?



When the bell rings at the start of class, where should I be?

In my seat, signed into my computer.


If having trouble with something, what should I do?

Ask the teacher for help, or at the very least ask a another student for help. Don't suffer in silence.


What is the strongest thing in the world?


If we are within the first 10 minutes of class or the last 10 minutes of class, what should I expect about going to the bathroom?

That I won't be able to go.


Can I play games on my computer anytime I feel like it? 



If I see something up on the board when I come into class, what should I do?

READ IT! Because it probably has what you're supposed to be doing.


If a particular problem is quite bewildering, what should I do?

First, read the issue out loud to myself. Second, ask one to two other students if they might know how to clear up the question. Thirdly, ask the teacher.


Who can't you see?

John seen below:


If I'm having some serious stomach issues or something else that might cause me to take a bit longer than expected in the bathroom, what should I do?

As awkward as it might be, let the teacher know with a simple phrase of "stomach" while holding your stomach. I don't need all the details, just enough to know I don't need to report you for skipping.


If I am listening to music, how should I listen to it?

At a volume not disturbing others nor keeping you from hearing me whenever I talk.


Where should I be right before the bell rings at the end of class?

In my seat, you can your stuff packed up but you should be in your seat at your desk.


If you know you are going to be out, what should you do?

Notify teachers and ask about what you might be missing and what you can do to make sure you don't fall behind.


If there is a drill (fire, tornado, etc.) who should I follow and listen to?

The teacher, or any other authority figure at this school. Don't wander and stay at the designated location.


If you are caught breaking any of the bathroom rules, what happens to your bathroom privilege? 

You will be reprimanded and lose bathroom privilege for that month depending on the severity. 


I got a "A" in the class with no missing assignments. Can I play games now? 

Only if your others grades look just as good. Oh I'll check...


What should you do if the teacher is talking?

Actively listening

-Remaining still

-Looking at me

-Not talking

-Pausing music


What should you do when you turn in a late assignment?

Notify the teacher with an email, directly stating the title of the assignment. With a polite but condensed message.


Is there food or drink allowed in this room?

NO. You are to be respectful and the only thing you can have is a bottle of water. By the way bottles of water are not toys.


When is the ideal time to ask to go to the bathroom?

After the first 10 minutes of class but before the last 10 minutes of class AND not while teaching is currently teaching a.k.a speaking to the class.


When might I be allowed to be on my phone?

I alerted the teacher ahead of time that I might receive a call due to a current family emergency situation. 


What should you not do if the teacher is talking?

Also talk, the more the merrier

Look dead eyes at the computer screen

Turn my music up

Ask to go to the bathroom

Starting walking around the room


What should you not do when turning in a late assignment?

Immediately pester teacher about said assignment.

Send a cryptic email stating..."It's done."....

Don't do anything, the teacher will find it right away like some type of bloodhound.


What happens if you are caught cheating?

Zero with the possibility of all future assignments to be strictly on paper.
