What is the first thing we do when we enter the classroom?
What is the DO NOW.
You are allowed to have drinks in class but it must be in a bottle with a lid and be only this liquid.
What is clear water.
What should we be doing if someone is speaking?
What is listening quietly and being respectful.
How many weeks do we have after we check out a book in the library before it is due?
What is 3 weeks
Who is the principal here at Busch?
What is Mr. Lescher
You should do this and get permission before speaking or leaving your seat.
What is raise your hand.
What does the word Toxic mean?
What is poisonous, contaminated, not helpful
What are our five core values we practice here at Busch?
What is Responsibility, Determination, Self-Control, Respect, and Honesty .
What happens after I have been given a verbal warning?
What is golden rule sheet, a buddy room or teacher conference
Who is the Assistant Principal here at Busch?
What is Dr. Malumbe
Why is it important to have an entrance procedure?
What is it’s a safe way to enter the room
This is the voice level in morning when you first enter the classroom.
What is 0 silent.
When are you considered tardy for class?
What is after the bell has rung and you enter the classroom.
If you are absent where would you find your worksheets if we had one for the day you were absent?
What is in the bin by the entrance door.
What day of the week do we turn in our class portfolios?
What is Friday.
On what day of the week will you receive your DO NOW handout?
What is Monday
Give me 3 examples of nourishing words we use here at Busch.
What is Caring, Kind, Thoughtful, Helpful
When are we not allowed to use the restroom?
What is the first 10 minutes of class and the last 15 minutes of class.
Whose responsibility is it to get missing work if you are absent from school?
What is your responsibility
What happens if I am caught skipping class?
What is automatic write up.
Where will you wait for your teacher to give you directions to enter the classroom?
What is across the hall along the water fountain.
These are the two things that should be on every paper you turn in to the teacher.
What is name and date.
How many people are allowed to leave the room at a time?
What is one person out of the class at a time.
What should we be doing during morning session?
What is reading our book silenty.
Who is the resource or safety officer here at Busch?
What is officer Ward