How should you come into the classroom in the morning or from lunch?
Walking, Silent, Sit at desks
Where do you put your lunch box if you bring lunch from home and how do you choose your school lunch?
in the lunch basket outside the classroom door and on the promethean board
One boy, one girl
The main staircase
How do you carry your chromebook?
With two hands, in front of you, walking
Are you allowed to leave the classroom without asking?
How many times can you get out of your seat at lunch without asking an adult?
None, zero
What do you need to remember to do before you leave the restroom?
Flush, wash hands, dry hands
How do we go up and down the stairs?
Walking, silent- go up the up stairs and down the down stairs
How do you touch the key's?
softly, gently, carefully, calmly
How should you be sitting at your desk?
Quietly, all chair legs on the floor, bottom in the chair and feet on the floor
If you forget something from the lunch line, can you go back and get it?
No, you have to get everything while you're in line.
What MUST you do BEFORE you go to the restroom?
Raise your hand and ask, sign out, get bathroom pass
How do we walk in the hallway?
Third tile, right side, straight line, silent, facing forward
The screen
Stay in your seat and raise your hand
What should you do if someone gets hurt at recess or something happens?
Immediately go tell the adults outside.
How many paper towels do you use to dry your hands and where do you put the paper towels?
One paper towel and it goes in the trash can.
What must you have if you are in the hallway by yourself?
A pass
What websites are you allowed to go on?
The ones on google classroom
How should you come to the carpet for whole group instruction?
Walking, Silent, With your shoulder partner
How do you know when it's time to line up from recess?
The whistle blows three times
Should you talk to anyone in the bathroom?
No, you should be silent.
Who can use the elevator?
Adults, students with an adult
Where do you find your login information?
On the index cards by the cubbies.