Classroom Rules
Classroom Habits
Healthy Relationships

One of the rules is that One person shares at a time Why is this important?

This is important so that we don't talk over each other and so that we can listen to everyone and what they have to contribute towards the conversation.


What are the noise level colors in our classroom?

Red, Yellow, Green and Purple.


How many modules will this class cover?

What is three.


Name a rule ?


One person shares at a time

Use appropriate language

Be respectful of others’ feelings

If you are too uncomfortable to stay in class, let a teacher know

No inappropriate jokes

Ask teachers for help when you need it


What does active listening look like?

Looking at the speaker and waiting to respond.


What are the modules that we will cover?

 What is Caring for myself, Understanding my body and Relationship development.


One of the rules is to be respectful of other people's feelings. Name one example of how to do that?

Listen to what others have to say without making a negative comment if you do not agree with them.


What materials do we need to bring to class?

Writing utensil, Headphones, Chromebook, point sheet, 


What makes this class different from other classes? 

This class will cover sensitive and personal material that at times may be uncomfortable to talk about.


What is something you can do if a topic makes you uncomfortable ?

Tell a teacher and ask to leave if you need to.


What are three things that our classroom will be?

Safe for students to learn, A forgiving and kind environment, A place to ask questions and learn


What Topics will be covered ?

Topics such as sexual education, relationship building, and hygiene will be covered in this class.


What is the violet box for?

To put in any question that I may have that I may be uncomfortable saying out loud. 


List 3 things that we as a class should work on to respect our learning.

Listen to each other, Do not make inappropriate comments, or jokes, Be kind to each other


Why is this class important?

This is a class to teach students skills that aren’t always taught but are important for adult life.
