The things we do to make our classroom a great place to be,
Class Rules
Hallway Procedures
Voices are off, hands behind our backs and we are walking.
What you do when your teacher greets you.
Say good morning.
Morning Routine
Eat breakfast if you want it, come to class and put away your things in cubbies and begin your morning work without talking.
The rule that has to do with your ears.
Listen and follow directions the first time,
Playground Procedures
Stay in the school are. Play with equipment the way it was meant to be used. Be kind. Tell a teacher if someone is hurt or being unkind.
What to do if you accidentally hurt or bother someone.
Class Library
Put books back in the place with the same dot color.
How you get permission to speak or leave your seat.
Raise your hand.
Cafeteria Procedures
Walk in a line for food, stay seated while you eat, talk with indoor voices, wait for dismissal to dump your tray.
What to do when someone apologizes.
Forgive them.
Make Up Work
Unfinished work goes in the filing folders with your name. Your make up work from being absent is there, too.
Treating others with kindness.
Be respectful in what you say and do.
Restroom Procedures
Let bathroom monitors go first. Do your business quickly and without talking. Clean up after yourself. Don't waste.
What to do when someone is being bullied.
Tell an adult.
Two ways my teacher might get my attention.
Flat tire and a bell
Owning it.
Take responsibility for your words and actions.
Drills used in school
Fire, tornado, active shooter
What to do when you have been caught doing something wrong.
Admit it and work on not doing it again.
How my teacher shows that I have been doing a good job.
Paw stamp