Math Workshop
4th Grade Rules
School Rules
Mixed Bag
What is the role of the audience during the opening?
Listen and take notes.
Jimmy is off task during Math Workshop and not doing his work. What rule or rules is he breaking?
What is Rule 4 and 5.
When are you allowed to chew gum at school?
What is never!!
Are you supposed to ask for permission before you go to the restroom?
What is yes always!
What is the first thing you should do when you walk in in the morning?
What is take out your agenda.
Name 3 things you need to be doing during work time?
What is staying on task, talking softly, showing your work.
Dakota went and threw her trash in the trashcan during the opening of math workshop. Is she breaking a rule? Which rule?
What is yes, rule 3.
Another teacher stops you in the hallway and asks you to stop running. What should you do?
What is follow her directions immediately and be respectful.
If you can't see a teacher but we are still outside, what should you do?
What is go somewhere that they can see you.
What happens if you lose 2 dojo points in one day?
What is you lose some recess time and it gets written in your agenda.
Who is the person that selects the closer?
What is the teacher.
Russell is speaking to his neighbor about what he did that weekend when he came into the room to start math. What rule is he breaking?
What is rule 2.
Where should your hands and feet be when you are in the hallway.
What is by your side and on the line.
When the teacher says: " Class, Class" what should you say and do?
What is Yes, yes. Stop what you are doing and put your eyes on the teacher.
What items do you need to have with you in math class every day?
What is math notebook, pencil, and agenda.
If you are having a hard time seeing the board or hearing the teacher during opening, what should you do?
What is quietly without disturbing the class come up to the floor in the front.
Jimmy asks the teacher to repeat the directions because he was playing with his pencil sharpener while she was giving directions. What rule did he break?
What is Rule 1
During lunch who are you allowed to talk to and at what voice level?
What is the people next to you or across from you at a level 1 voice level.
When is it not okay to go to the restroom and how do you ask?
What is during an opening or right after a restroom break or recess.
What happens if you lose 3 dojo points in a day?
What is you receive a stop and think that has to be taken home and signed by a parent.
What is your role as an audience during closing. Give me 3 things you should be doing.
What is listening to the presenter, asking questions, and making comments using accountable talk.
Robert decided to pick his pencil eraser during class that left a mess on the floor and caused him to not complete his work. What rule is he breaking?
What is Rule 4
What should you do if someone is talking to you in the restroom?
What is ignore them and continue with your business.
When is homework due each week. What happens if you don't turn in homework?
What is Friday and you lose 4 dojo points.
If you are in a fight with another student, slam a door, or yell at a teacher, what will happen to you.
What is you will be written on a discipline board and parents will be contacted.