Health and Safety
Supervision and Nap Time

Can you apply sunscreen to any child?

7.702 .51

 C. Sun Protection 1. The center must obtain written authorization and instructions from the parent(s)/guardian(s) for the application of sunscreen or the use of another form of parent(s)/guardian(s) approved sun protection with a full-spectrum UVA/UVB rating of SPF thirty (30) or greater to their children's exposed skin prior to outside play year-round. a doctor's permission is not needed to use sunscreen at the center.


If a child is in a diaper how often should they be checked?


Changing.  Diapers shall be checked for wetness or feces at least every two hours, or whenever a child indicates discomfort or exhibits behavior that suggests a soiled or wet diaper.  The child shall be changed when found to be wet or soiled.


Is it ok to talk to other staff with your back to the children on the playground?


A. General 1. All children must be under the direct supervision at all times of a qualified adult who has been assigned the responsibility to supervise.


Is it ok to put on a short educational video during lunch?


B. Screen Time and Media Use

1. Screen time, which includes, television, recorded media, computer, tablet, cell phones, video games, and other media devices, is prohibited for children less than two (2) years of age.

2. Screen time is prohibited during snack or meal times.

4. For children two (2) to five (5) years of age, screen time must be limited to no more than thirty (30) minutes per day.


Where is it ok to post pictures of class photos?

G. Posting of any personal information or photos of children on social media or advertisement without written parental consent is prohibited.


Can you release a child to anybody?


3. Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of persons authorized to pick up the child from the center.

The person authorized to pick up must be 18 years or older, with proof of ID.


How often should a changing station be cleaned?


Changing tables, stations, or mats shall be kept clean and in good repair and shall be cleaned and disinfected after each use with a single use towel.


When only a couple kids are still at the snack table, is it ok for the adult to get up and start cleaning.


7. Staff members must sit with the children and encourage them to try a variety of food served. During meals, children should be encouraged to engage in conversation and to express their independence

5. Foods offered shall be age appropriate and not pose a choking hazard.


Is it ok to fill your classroom with educational learning materials and toys?


2. Indoor play areas must be uncluttered, safe, and allow for freedom of movement.


How often should you change the water in the sensory table and other materials?


Sensory Tables:

Sensory tables, and other play tables shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary manner.  Sensory tables when filled with water shall be emptied after each use by each group of children or at least daily.  If organic materials are used in sensory tables, the materials may be used for a maximum of one week and then the materials should be discarded.


If there are five three-year-olds in a classroom, can the only teacher leave the classroom to find a pair of shoes in a child's cubbies? 

2.217 Children must be actively supervised at all times and not left unattended. Active supervision requires focused attention and intentional, safe, careful, and effective supervision of individual children and groups of children at all times on and off campus. The teacher must stay within Colorado State ratios. 


Can you use diaper cream as a preventative?


11. Topical preparations such as petroleum jelly, diaper rash ointments, sunscreen, insect repellent, and other ointments may be administered to children with written authorization from the parent(s)/guardian(s). These preparations may not be applied to open wounds or broken skin unless there is a written order by the prescribing health care provider.


Is it ok to show kids things off of your cell phone?


E. When caring for children, staff must refrain from the personal use of electronics including, but not limited to, cell phones and portable electronic devices.


Is it ok to combine mixed age groups (1-3, 3-5) or use a pre-k classroom for toddlers?


3. Rooms licensed for specific ages of children cannot be used for other ages of children without the prior written approval of the licensing authority.


How far apart do cots have to be placed at nap time and do they need to be sanitized daily?


1. Cots or pads must be spaced at least two (2) feet apart on all sides during rest time. Children must have a safe area in which to rest that is easily supervised, out of the path of traffic, and free of hazards.


Mattresses or covers, mats and cots should be cleaned and sanitized when used by children or whenever soiled. 


Can 2 children share a cubby, or a staff member use it to leave their personal items in?


Individual storage.  Separate identified storage areas shall be provided for each child's personal effects and clothing.  Individual cubicles, lockers, coat hooks, drawers, or closet space shall be provided for storage of coats, hats, and other personal items.  Staff members personal effects and clothing shall be stored separately and be inaccessible to children.


Can we wash soiled materials such as bedding and clothing?


soiled clothes shall be placed in a plastic bag for parents or guardians to take home.  Soiled diapers shall be placed in a covered, impervious plastic lined receptacle.


Is it ok to leave your co-teacher at naptime?


10. At nap time, the child to staff ratio may be doubled for children two and one half (2 ½) years of age and older in preschool classrooms when the following conditions have been met: 

a. At least half of the children are sleeping; b. Another staff member is onsite in the center and immediately available; c. Maximum group size and room capacity are not exceeded; and, d. Staff member supervising children is qualified as an Early Childhood Teacher or Assistant Early Childhood Teacher.


What are the transition protocols when moving a class from one environment to another?

*Head count before leaving and after arriving to new location.

*One teacher at the front of the line, and one teacher at the end of the line.

*Scan for threats or broken equipment.

*If you have emergency meds take them, make sure first aid kit is available.


If there is a child who does not fall asleep, when should they be allowed to wake up?


b. Quiet activities must be available for children who do not sleep during the thirty (30) minute period. Older children requiring a rest time must be given one; c. Children who do not sleep after thirty (30) minutes must be allowed to move to another area and be provided with quiet toys and equipment to play with such as puzzles or books; and, d. Children who fall asleep must be allowed to leave their napping area within ten minutes of waking.


What animals are not allowed in the classroom?


Prohibited Animals: Psittacine birds, ferrets, primates, poisonous reptiles, poisonous fish, poisonous amphibians, snakes greater then 6 ft in length, aggressive animals and fish, wild caught animals or any other animals that pose a hazard to the health of the children shall be prohibited in the child care facility.  Reptiles and amphibians shall be prohibited in classrooms with children under five years old.


At what age should you start teaching hand washing at school? And when and how often should kids be washing their hands?


B. Staff members and children toddler-aged and older shall wash their hands at the following times:

1. Upon arrival for the day and after breaks;

2. When caregivers move from caring for one group/classroom of children to another;

3. Before and after: a. Preparing food or beverages; b. Eating, handling food, or feeding a child; c. Giving medication, applying a medical ointment or cream or administering first aid; and, d. Setup or use of a sensory table.

4. After: a. Using the toilet or assisting a child with toileting;

b. Diapering each child;

c. Handling body fluids;

d. Handling animals or cleaning up animal waste; e. Coming in from outdoors; f. Cleaning or handling garbage; and,

g. At any other time that hands become soiled.


What is an example for a proper environment at nap time?


2. In rooms used for napping, the lighting must be dim at nap time to promote an atmosphere conducive to sleep but must be bright enough for supervision of children.


What are the requirements for a field trip including walks that are off of school property?

*Parent permission for each child for each field trip even walks.

*bring parent contact info, meds, first aid kit.

*tell your director where you are going and when

*take a cell phone in case of an emergency


If it is raining you do not need to provide gross motor for the kids. True or False.


2. Daily physical gross motor activities, with or without equipment or materials, must be provided outdoors, or indoors during inclement weather, to children toddler age and older for no less than sixty (60) minutes total for full day programs. Activities do not have to occur all at once.
