What level are you at when you are in the hallways?
Level 0
What is the sign for the restroom?
Two finger symbol
How many times are you able to go to your locker from the classroom?
NONE - remember your stuff.
Where should you sit everyday?
At my assigned desk
What is the number 1 rule when taking ANY test?
No talking - testing breech
Which direction do you walk to transition to classes? clockwise/counterclockwise
When are you able to get up from your seat?
When you are given permission
Demonstrate the WHOLE process of correctly sharpening a pencil.
Raising your hand, get permission, walk the most direct route, sharpen pencil, return to seat.
no talking, high five, fist bump..........
When do I sit /go to the Teacher's desk area?
When invited or given permission.
Who can help you during a test?
No one --- possibly a teacher to sanswer a simple clarification question.
When transitioning to specials, what is the line up/walking protocol?
Line up single file, hands to self, level 0, only walking!!
What do you do when you have a question?
Raise a hand and be patient --- stay in your seat.
What is the infraction protocol?
3 infractions = lunch detention, 5 infractions = after school, after 5 = office referral.
parent contact can be made whenever teachers deem.
When, Why, How, do I sit in the calming corner?
Calming corner - when need time to recover from overstimulation/ upset. 5 minutes --- look at a clock, all fidget remain in the bin, and you are expected to rejoin class.
What websites should you visit while taking a test?
None- Test breech
Where should you line up while waiting to enter the classroom?
Along the lockers.
Where do you put finished assignments/homework/classwork?
In the correct numbered basket
Where do I look for assignments after I am done with classwork?
The Whiteboard with the Standards, I Can, Now's/Later's
What is the rule of the comfy chairs and VIP tables?
1 person per chair, working cooperatively WITH permission only!!!
When should you use the restroom or get materials on test day?
Before the test session begins.
How many times a time should you go to your locker?
4 - when arriving, before lunch, after lunch, before going home.
How can you earn tickets?
Doing the RIGHT thing > raising your hand, working at the assigned level, coming in and getting right on task, helping another student when appropriate, going above the "norm".
What level should we enter and exit the classroom at?
Level 0
Who sits in the teacher chair?
The teacher(s). Period.
When should you be out of your seat while testing?
Never --- emergencies only