No talking while the teacher is speaking
What gets written on the board under Silent Lunch if you are not following expectations?
Your Name, One Letter at a Time
What does the teacher give you as a reward?
True or False. When you enter the room and sit in your assigned seat, you will have some tasks (Bellwork) to complete.
Classroom Rule #2
Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak
What happens if you are a chronic (constant) problem with not following expectations?
STEP and Parent Contact
Do you have to collect a certain amount of tickets to get anything?
No. The more you have, the greater the chance to earn snacks.
What will always be shown on the screen when you enter the classroom?
Welcome Screen with Bellowork and Expectations
Classroom Rule #3
Positive Vibes Only! No Arguing or Aggravating!
Explain the expectations when completing assignments with an elbow partner.
Examples: Person beside you, not in front of or behind you, no talking across aisles, keep your voice low
When are tickets drawn?
The last part of the class on Fridays (after Classwork, Quizzes, etc.) are Reward Days for the week. What is one way, besides tickets, we do to celebrate the week?
Outside Time!
Classroom Rule #4
Go directly to your seat when entering the classroom.
Entering the room, you go directly to your seat. What happens if you are caught walking around or not in your seat?
Name written on Board OR letters of WILDCATS removed.
What is usually the reward on Fridays?
Candy, Chips, No Bellwork on Monday, etc.
If you do not lose all of the letters to WILDCATS during the class period, what is your reward for the last 5 minutes of class?
Chromebook/ Talk Time
Classroom Rule #5
Avoid Disturbing Other Students Completing Their Classwork
Talking during the first 10 minutes of class will cause you _____ of _________.
Loss of Privileges OR letters from WILDCATS removed.
When are tickets thrown away?
If you lose all the letters to WILDCATS during a class period, what are the TWO major consequences?
No Chromebook Time and no Outside Time for your class on Friday