What do you do if you want to ask a question?
Raise a quiet hand and wait to be called on.
What should you do after WIN math rotation?
Do we sharpen pencils in the classroom?
For safety reasons, "flip-flops,"slides, high heels, roller skates, roller blades, skateboards, "heelies," etc., may not be worn or used at school. TRUE? or FALSE?
What is Monday' & Wednesdays' Special?
When is it an appropriate to use the bathroom?
Before or After a lesson.
Are you allowed to eat in the classroom?
No, only if you have permission. And if students/teacher bring a snack.
What is Renaissance?
A website to take tests/quizzes.
Should Scissors be returned to the class supplies after each use?
How should you enter the classroom?
Quietly. Sitting in assigned seats.
Who is the P.E. Teacher & para?
Mr. Agee & CJ
What is Ms. Ortiz's Pet peeve?
Students wandering the classroom?
What are you allowed to drink in the classroom?
Water. Only water.
What should you do if you are done early with an assignment?
Read or draw.
Where do I get drawing paper?
You need to ask for it from Ms. Ortiz
Should you be throwing things in the cafeteria?
No. You will lose recess and have to stay behind to help clean the cafeteria.
When are you allowed to check out a library book?
If you're not going to say something nice.....
Don't say at all.
If you need to use the bathroom, what do you do?
Hand signal and sign in and out.
What should you do when Ms. Ortiz is talking to the whole class?
No blurting or interrupting.
Where would you find our class schedule or agenda?
On the whiteboard.
When should you be out of your seat?
When permitted unless you have free time.
Who is the music teacher?
Mr. Holtz
Give 3 examples of showing respect in the classroom.
1. Listen when classmates are talking.
2. Treat each other with respect even if you're not friends.
3. No talking down on one another
What should you do before you go home?
Pick up the floor. Pack up and grab all of your belongings.
What happens if you are misbehaving?
1. Warning usually 2
2. Eagles Nest
3. Write Up
4. Parent Conversation
Where would you find extra supplies in the classroom?
Community Bin under science bulletin board.
Are you ever allowed to hit, kick, bully, or belittle anyone in our classroom?
No. Keep your hands, feet, and unkind words to yourself.
What is the name of the computer lab teacher?
Ms. Fry
What are the names of the two teachers who cover the eagles nest?
Ms. Connie & Ms. Tonny