How often will you have homework?
What time does school start at?
Where was I born?
Los Angeles
What song asks, "Keke, do you love me?"
In My Feelings
When are exams?
Friday (unless their is no school on Friday)
When is Back to school night?
September 6th
What country did I teach in?
What is the name of the country that a youth soccer team was trapped in a cave?
Where can you find work that you may have missed?
Basket above bookshelf
What is the answer to 4x-1=23
How do you put your computer in work mode?
45 degrees
What is the name of the college I attended?
Drake University
How many hours of sleep are ideal for teenagers?
Nine hours
Where can you find materials that you will need for class?
On the bookshelf at the front of the room.
What is 458/7 in remainder form?
65 remainder 3
What are the consequences of not doing homework?
Academic Prep
(Also, your grade goes down because you are receiving a 0)
Who is Mr. Spears' famous sister?
Brittany Spears
How many hours, on average, does a teenager spend looking at a screen?
Nine hours a day
(That's nearly 4.5 months of a year.)
What is your procedure for entering class?
Silently enter
Homework out
Work on do now
Planners out
What does the acronym STEM stand for?
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
What time does school end at?
When is Mr. Spears' birthday?
October 24th
What is the elevation (in miles) of Denver?