Emergency Procedures
Program Implemation
Behavior Management
Field Trips

Where is the first aid kit located throughout the day?

What is hook in cafeteria/outside on playground(s)


List specific regulations required during snack time

1 staff member should always be sitting at a table with children

All staff should wash hands before handing out snack (gloves can be used instead)

All kids must be offered 1 serving of grains and refrigerated options

All kids must wash hands before snack

Tables need to be cleaned before and after

Creating a Allergen free space


If a situation between 2 kids arises and one is being picked on who do you approach first?

Always give the attention to the child in distress first and have the other child take a break


What are the proper ratios?

1:10 when a counselor is not in immediate reach of another

1:13 when multiple staff are available


What is the ratio for lifeguards on duty? 

26 kids per lifeguard


Where should all medication be located?

What is the black lock box in the counselor cabinet


What is the procedure for the end of the day clean up? 

Tables are washed

Floors are swept

Trash and recycling must not be kept

Check all spaces used during program to make sure they are cleaned


What behavior management phrases are often used at RES?

What is: Green, yellow, thoughts

This is "expected/not expected"

Walking feet

Respect yourself, others and the environment


Who is a mandated reporter and what job do they have?

We all are! If you are witness to a concerning issue such as signs of abuse/neglect must be reported within 24hrs to Child Abuse Hotline 

This can be anonymous


What needs to be added to the back pack on field trips

What is medications, epipen's with proper labeling


What do you do if a child goes missing?

1. Communicate with director in discrete way "peanut butter"

2. Keep calm, continue to manage children without jeopardizing the functioning program

3. Have director contact authorities if needed


When is it an appropriate time to use technology for kids and counselors? 

What is during emergencies or to take photos of activities


How to approach a difficult conversation with a kid

Get down on there level

Be short and concise with words or questions

Speaking with a warm voice

Being aware of your own limits (tagging out when needed)

Following through


Scenario: If a kid walks out of the room and you're the only one supervising the activity, what do you do?

What is walkie for someone to trade places with you or to search for said child
What color are the part 2 bracelets and what do they mean?

Green= Can only swim up to their waist

Yellow= still can only swim up to waist but can practice swimming deeper with a lifeguard

Blue= Can swim anywhere in the boundaries of swimming area


What is the protocol for when a child gets hurt?

1. Approach the situation, and scan for threats/dangers

2. Create a safe space for yourself and the child

3. Use proper materials to treat injury/situation

4.Communicate with director 

5.Fill out incident report


Which kids cannot be photographed? 

What is:

Savitt F

Gabby G

Augustine J


Behavioral Prevention

What is: 

Proper engagement

Reinforcing and praising appropriate behavior


Setting them up for success


Scenario: If an adult that you don't recognize enters the building what do you do?

Ask for I.D./ name, who they were planning on picking up and confirm with director if they have permission to pick up


What are expectations for activities during summer?

Kids should not be switching activities. Once they choose activity they should be staying in it all week.(special considerations for kids that need it)

kids must have sunscreen on before going outside

make sure extra water is provided outside IE: water cooler/part 2 water bottles


Name 5 items that go in the first aid kit/backpack

- First aid manual                    

- Emergency procedure binder

- Adhesive tape

- Bandages 


- Sealed packets of alcohol wipes or antiseptic

-sterile gauze pads

-rolls of gauze bandages

-Non glass thermometer


-Cold pack

- DIsposable nonporous gloves

-Liquid soap

-Plastic bags for cloths, gauze and other materials for handling blood

-Emergency contacts

List 10 parents names with the right kid

See list


The big "No-No's" 

- physically harming a child

- restraining kid

- refusing necessities (food, water, bathroom use)

- Humiliating


If a child sees their parent in a car and asks to go meet them what do you do?

What is walk out with them and make sure to make eye contact is made with the parent before allowing them to go. Never let them walk out alone without any visual confirmation.


What are some expectations for the walking field trips?

Making sure the group is behind you 

Staying on the sidewalk and walking

Making sure each group is with their group counselor

Make sure the first aid kit is with a counselor/be aware of who has it

Make sure there is extra water/sunscreen/equipment to play with
