Where do I sit?
In class row/ with teacher
Line order
What is first thing we do in the morning?
Planner and review our day
Best way to work on math?
quietly focus on task/ ask for help when needed/ ask questions for clarifying answers/
Who cleans up the table/area I eat at?
ME! The person or persons who ate there!
How do I sit?
on my pockets
quietly, line order, right side STRAIGHT LINE
How many students can leave room at a time (excluding groups)?
Can I walk around classroom during instructions?
How many people in the bathroom at a time?
Where do I focus?
On the speaker
Where do we turn in papers/ books?
papers in wire tray/ books by microwave
How do we hold discussions?
hand raise, stick names, schoology
allergies, family beliefs, polite
How do I enter/exit?
Is it important to walk behind teacher to bus area and why?
Yes, we must follow teacher to bus area in order - bus riders then pick up people. This is a direct rule of principal.
Do I need to sign back in?
When adults enter the room we....
are quiet and respectful, wait for instructions
How do I sign up to work in kitchen and why?
ask, clipboard on cabinet, it is fun to help, sometimes get a treat
How do we get class points for pizza party?
quiet assembly behavior and participate respectfully
Why should I be quiet?
People learning, respectful, our class appears 'better' we have order which can be comforting
Where does the red cup go and what does it mean?
on desk and that student is out of room for water/restroom NOT group
What happens during the 3 minute transition?
Get books out for next activity, sign up to use or go bathroom or water/ stand up stretch; look at window AND return to desk ready to learn before the end of the timer