What is the day shape for a vessel that is restricted in its ability to maneuver?
Ball- Diamond - Ball
what color light will the port side of a vessel have?
what does 1 short blast mean?
what is rule 4?
these rules will ALWAYS apply in any condition of visibility.
what is rule 10?
applies to traffic separation schemes.
what is the day shape for a vessel being towed?
what color will the starboard and stern have?
Green for starboard and white for stern.
what does 1 prolonged blast mean?
Underway from dock, approaching a blind bend.
what is rule 6?
Every vessel will maintain a safe speed to avoid any collisions.
what is rule 12?
two sailing vessels are approaching one another, one of them will keep out of the way from the other.
what is the day shape for a vessel that is not able to move but not in distress?
2 vertical balls
Red over Red light means?
the captain is dead/ vessel not under command.
Vessel operating in low or restricted visibility
what is rule 5?
Every vessel will have a lookout at all times.
what is rule 13?
any vessel overtaking another will keep out of the way of the vessel being overtaken.
what is the day shape for a vessel that is greater than 12 m aground?
3 vertical balls
Green over white?
Trawling at night
what does 3 short blasts mean?
A vessel is operating in astern.
A vessel in a narrow channel will keep as near to the outer channel on the starboard side.
what is rule 14?
what is the day shape for a fishing vessel that is restricted in it ability to maneuver?
2 cones facing each other
If you see lights that are red-white-red, what does that mean?
Restricted in the ability to maneuver
what does 2 short blasts mean?
I intend to leave you on my starboard side/ overtake your port.
what is rule 8?
Any action taken to avoid collision will be in accordance with rules 4-19.
what is rule 11?