Can teachers be in ratio if there are no more than 8 children during instruction
For Active Shooter alert, where is the meeting point after evacuation?
Rock of Ages Church
What happens when a case manager wants to speak to a child but does not have card?
They are not allowed to take a child without a card.
Which 3 staff are the tallest
Ridge, and Oscar, Tony
"Waka, Waka"
What does IEP mean?
Individual Education Plan.
How many AEDs are there on the facility?
45 min
Who is the staff that always says "Esta comida tiene muchos quimicos."
Mr. Efrain
"Rata de dos Patas"
Paquita la del Barrio
Within how many hours is the education department required to complete initial assessments for a child.
The first 24 hours of arrival.
How many Fire extinguishers are there on the facility?
24 hours
Which staff have been in 2nd shift the longest.
Mirtha, Monica, Hugo, Arnoldo
"Y todo Para que"
What is the weekday schedule for the children during education hours? Times and subjects.
7:30-8 Language Arts --- 8-9 PE --- 9-9:30 Language Arts -- 9:30-10:30 Science ---10:30-11:30 Social Studies 11:30 - 12 Lunch--- 12-1 Math---1-2 ESL
What is the process for reporting PSA occurrence?
Step1 Separate victim
Step 2 Inform PD APD PSA Compliance manager
Step 3 SL or designee contact 911
Step 4 Preserve and Protect
Step 5 Do not destroy evidence
Step 6 Work with authorities for investigation
Step 7 Report to all authorities
Step 8 Report Incident only to necessary staff to ensure confidentiality.
How many hours of leisure/rec time do the children have during the week and the weekends?
Bonus: How many hours of outdoor rec do the children have during the week and weekends?
1 hour monday - friday
2 hours Saturday and Sunday
Depending on program needs.
Who recently became a father for the first time.
"Palomita blanca"
Michael Salgado
What's the minimum square footage per child in the classroom.
20-25 ft
During a perimeter check, how many areas do SMs check to verify all is cleared?
Front parking lot, building entrance, back rec area (gate)
How are the children supposed to be sat in an outing van if there are female children attending?
female children in the front row, staff in the middle and male children in the back.
Who sings "Winning" and is featured in Pandora?
"Ahora te puedes Marchar"
Luis Miguel