Can you touch the walls and bulletin boards throughout the school?
No, unless you want to miss recess time cleaning.
How do you enter my classroom?
Walking, quietly, hands to yourself, This is also how you will leave my classroom.
Can I switch groups whenever I want?
No, if you want to switch groups then work hard in order for me to reconsider who you might work with in the future.
Can my chair sit in the middle of nowhere?
Seriously, no!
Can I sharpen my own pencil?
Yes, using your own sharpener over a garbage can. The electric sharpener is adult use only.
Is there a dress code?
No hats, hoods up indoors. Tummies covered. Shorts must cover bottoms and no spaghetti straps.
Where do you go when you enter my room?
Immediately to my seat and waiting quietly to start.
Can I play around and do nothing during Academic Strategy time?
Not a chance! If you have nothing todo, I will find something for you.
Can I go to the bathroom whenever I want to?
Yes. You must sign in and out. Only one boy and one girl out at a time. I will not let you leave during instructions or in the middle of a lesson though.
Emergency bathroom situations are different.
Can trash be thrown on my floor?
Have you lost your mind?
Where are your reading books, papers going home and coming back to school located?
In your backpack.
Is there yelling in my classroom?
Absolutely not!
Can I talk to a classmate in another group?
Hmmmm.....NO! However, you are in a group for a reason so you may help each other, especially if someone does not understand.
How do I know when to rotate centers?
You will be quiet enough to hear the alarm on my phone.
Where does my in class work and homework belong?
Each class has their own plastic container. You have a section on it with your name. Observations, ongoing work is kept here.
Your science notebook has a class bin. Your notebook will be individually decorated so it’s easy to find.
Are you allowed to talk in the hallways?
Are you allowed to touch someone ( including Taco) in my classroom?
Heck no! There is no hitting, poking, pushing, or karate kicking in my classroom, nor in the school.
There are no projectiles either.
How do I move to the next center?
Quickly and quietly
Where do I place my finished work?
In the accordion folder for your class.
Can I take supplies that are the teachers to another classroom?
No, thank you for asking. If another teacher needs my materials, they will ask. If you use my materials, you must return them before you leave class.
What kind of feet should you use while in the classroom and the hallways?
Walking feet
Can I walk around my room doing nothing?
Not a chance! You are expected to get your work completed at every center.
What should my group look like while working in centers?
You are quietly working with your group. I will be working with your groups, so I must be able to hear those students. If you are on a chrome book, you are completely quiet working on your own assignments. If you are not with a teacher, you may work quietly with your group. Your group is there to help you.
What happens after class time?
Put away notebooks and class work, placing them in the bin/accordion file.
Collects pencils and places them back in the correct spot.
Push in all the chairs at your center.
Make sure no trash is on the floor.
Everything above must be completed, you must be standing next to your chair, and you must be quiet. I will call each group one at a time to line up.
Can I leave a center a disaster when I am finished?
You are out of your mind!