How do we respect our friends in class
Where do water bottles go
Parking lot
Where do we keep letter check list and coach and reader cards
How do we walk in the hallway
Favorite color
Light Blue
What does Pizza mean in our classroom??
You can move, you shouldnt move or touch anything before that.
What happens if you transition and are quiet before the timer?
Earn stars
How do we turn homework in?
Clipped in pink bin (Unless Miss. Michels tells you somewhere else)
Can we come back to the classroom to get something during a special
If you fill out your reading log for the whole week what do you earn?
Tickets (5)
What can you do if you finish work early
Choice board
Where do we turn folders in?
How do we act in the lunchroom
Quiet, eating our lunch and picking up when asked, please and thank you
February 19
True or False : I can get a pencil whenever I want
What are the rewards we can earn in class and how do you earn them?
Tickets, Champs, Stars
With your group show the correct way to line up
Quiet, no touching, facing forward
How do we act at specials
we follow directions and treat teachers with respect
Favorite Food
List all 5 things you do when you come into the classroom (must have all 5 correct)
1. Greet Miss. Michels
2. Turn in folder
3. Wash hands
4. Chair down
5. Lunch choice
How do you earn champs letters?
Following directions shown on the board
With your group show the correct way to move to the rug
push in chair, quiet the whole time, criss cross, facing board
True or False : Champs is only something we do in the classroom
Which country in Europe have I visited