RR Guidelines
Being Absent
Last minute Reminders

Should I come to the classroom before going to the bathroom?

WHAT IS... NO- go on between classes, before you come in the door.  Don't waste time coming in the room, talking, hanging around, putting your stuff down, and THEN deciding to go to the restroom.


Is food allowed in Mrs. Luchak's classroom? Why or why not?

WHAT IS... no, because of roaches


If you have something to say to Mrs. Luchak or share with the class, how do you signal that?

WHAT IS...by raising your hand


When I am absent, what should I do?

WHAT IS...look on Mrs. Luchak's Daily Agenda page in Canvas to see what the class did that day.


What should I do at the end of class

WHAT IS...look on the floor around me and clean up my area


I need to go to the restroom- do I have to ask and HOW?

WHAT IS...yes, I have to silently raise my hand and point


Is Gatoraid, canned drinks, or other colored drinks (including Starbucks) allowed in Mrs. Luchak's classroom and why?

WHAT IS... No, because things get knocked over and stain the carpet and we have roach/ant problems


When is it ok to sharpen your pencil? (2 possible answers)

WHAT IS... before the bell and once the lecture is over


WHEN should I look on the daily agenda page to find out what I missed?

WHAT IS... BEFORE I go back to school


If I need to turn something in late, where does it go?

WHAT IS...To my class period in the plastic drawer in the back of the room


Once Mrs. Luchak indicates it is ok to go to the RR, what is the next step? (2 part answer)

WHAT IS...I must sign out at the clip board AND take the pass with me.


When do you pick up any daily worksheets?

WHAT IS...on your way IN the door


When is it ok to begin packing up at the end of class?

WHAT IS...when Mrs. Luchak's tells us it is time to pack up.


WHY should I look on the daily agenda page before I go back to school?

WHAT IS...so that I am caught up and know if I should have done the homework


What if I need to sharpen my pencil during the lecture?

WHAT IS...too bad, better start bringing your own pencil sharpener, or BETTER YET, USE A PEN LIKE I'VE BEEN ASKING YOU TO!


Why can't I go to the restroom every class?

WHAT IS...because you have trained yourself to develop a habit


HOW do you know if there is a worksheet to pick up?

WHAT IS...you read the WARM UP as you walk in the doorway


WHAT are you supposed to do every day when you enter the room (2 or 3 part answer)

WHAT IS...(sit at your seat) read the warm up and get started


If I miss class, and do not know about an assignment, does that mean I am not responsible for completing that assignment?

WHAT IS... NO, I still have to complete it. I just get 1 extra day to turn it in. When I turn it in late, I need to write on it, "late b/c absent 10/21" so that Mrs. Luchak doesn't take off points.


Who dismisses class?

WHAT IS... Mrs. Luchak does


What is the goal for your RR usage?

WHAT IS... one time per week or less


Where should you put your phone?

WHAT IS...in the cubby in the back of the room?


WHERE should you be when the tardy bell rings? (2 part answer)

WHAT IS...in your seat and ready to work)


If I miss the last class before the test, do I get to skip out on the test and why?

WHAT IS...No, because generally we are not learning any new information.  Generally we are only reviewing the information we have already taught, and you can do that at home on your own


After Mrs. Luchak tells us to pack up, then what? What can't I do?

WHAT IS...NOT go stand at the door, NOT sit on desks, and NO horseplay & NO PHONES
