Classroom Routines & Procedures
Metcalfe School Wide Rules and Expectations
Drills & Dismissal

What is the purpose of your planners? 

  • You would record your homework daily 

  • It is your responsibility to record your homework daily. I will sign your planners daily. (Bring Planners & Homework Folders to School Everyday)

    ž You need to complete any missed assignments to receive credit.


What are the expectations to go to the bathroom or get water?

  • Bathroom: There is only one classroom bathroom. The goal is to use the bathroom quickly and return back to the instructional learning setting.

    • Please Remember to Wash your Hands for at least 20 seconds before leaving the bathroom area. Please sanitize your hands after you have used the bathroom (sanitizer is located near the front door). 

  • Water: The water fountain is located in the back of the classroom. Please get water quickly, and return back to your seat.

What are Metcalfe behavioral expectations?

  • Positive Communication: I will use kind and helpful words.

  • Always Respectful: I will listen and follow directions the first time they are given.

  • Will be Safe: I will keep my hand, feet, and objects to myself. 

* Show Responsibility:  I will be where I am supposed to be at all times.   


What happens during a fire drill?

  • Line  up quietly

  • We will Exit the building quietly (no talking in line)

  • Turn and face the front

  • The teacher will take attendance/ raise your hand as your name is being called (no talking during this time/ it is important to remain silent)


How do you prepare for an assessment? 

  • Study to prepare yourself (the skills you learn in class are skills you will use in life!) Be proactive in your learning


What is the daily expectations when you enter the classroom?

  • Place your backpack inside the cubbies

  • Your morning work assignment will always be presented on the board daily

  • Complete your morning work independently


When communicating with your peers, why is it important to use positive comments? 

Positive comments helps students build their confidence and improves their positive self-talk.

Students need to speak to their peers in a positive manner.


What is the behavior clip chart used for? 

To monitor students' behavior

Role model (Blue): Exceptional & Marvelous Behavior      

žEveryone starts on Ready to Learn (Green)

žWarning (Yellow): Think about the classroom rules

žTimeout (Orange) (Complete  a Think Sheet): This is a time for you to reflect on your actions/ think about how you can make them positive (Calm Down Folder)

žConsequence (Red): Parent will be Contacted, Not Participating in certain Activities, You will see the BRT

You will always have the opportunity to change your day around ! 


What happen during a I Love You Guys Drill ? 

To keep everyone safe, the teacher is the only one that needs to open the door.

  • Hold: Remain in the classroom/ lock doors/ take attendance/ note the time (students can still continue to work)

  • Secure: Remain indoors (doors locked) (danger can be near the school, or there could be a fire close by (take attendance & note the time (students can still continue to work)

  • Lockdown: (Most Serious): Locks doors, Lights Out, Out of Sight ( It can possibly be danger on campus) Example: Intruder

    • Evacuate: To a location / Listen for New Instruction (Teacher will lead the students/ Teacher will take Attendance

    • Shelter: A danger: the action to remain safe (Example: Weather: Tornado or Hurricanes)


What are laptops used for? 

This laptop will be used in class for student work and assessments.

žWe must handle this device with extreme care. (Training will be coming soon)

žIt will not be taken home.

žWhile you are using your computer, STAY on the sites that you are told to use.

ž If you are found using this device inappropriately, you may lose it.  


What should students be doing when the teacher or one of their peers are talking? 

  • Students should not be writing, drawing, or talking, during our learning time. Your complete focus needs to be on the teacher or the person speaking. 


How do you communicate in the classroom during instructional time? 

* Raise your hand 

* Listening

* Stay in your seat


What are some Rewards you can earn at school? 

  • PAWS: Given to students who are “caught” doing the right thing on campus (receive paws, small prizes, wildcat wagon (cafeteria on Fridays)

  • PBIS Celebration (class dojo points/end of the month), green parties (keeping track of your behavior daily (every nine weeks). Students are required to have 80 Dojo Points in order to attend the celebration

žWildcat of the Week (Models Outstanding Behavior)

žCharacter Celebrations (Character of the Month): based on the student showing the character trait for each month 

  • Citizen of the Month (5th Grade ONLY):  based on the student showing positive traits all month 


What do you do to prepare yourself for the end of the day? 


* Students’ responsibilities: Each student will make sure their area is neat and tidy before leaving the classroom. You will remain at your seat and you are only responsible for cleaning your space.


What are some classroom Rewards you can earn?

  • Safety Patrols: Students will have the opportunity to display their leadership qualities 

  • Lunch Bunch with Teacher

  • Earn Classroom Tickets for the Classroom Store

žLaptops (Privilege) Please take care of your assigned laptop


Where are your supplies located?

Most of your supplies for the day will be located at your seat. Group Leaders will assist me in making sure your table is ready for instruction.  

ž-Please take care of your supplies. The storage bins will contain your textbooks and journals. On the back of your chairs you will have a Pocket Chair to store your pouches and folders in. Do not draw on your supplies. 

  • If you need any utensils while in class, please remember to raise your hand and ask. 

* Broken pencils will be placed in your pencil pouches and sharpened at the end of the day. NO WALKING AROUND DURING INSTRUCTION TIME FOR ANY REASON (We always raise our hands to communicate) 


What are the playground expectations? 

  • Keep your hands and feet to yourselves

  • Be careful running around on the playground

  • Do not shout or talk loud (classroom are close by)

  • We should not be talking in line when traveling outside for recess. 

  • On rainy days, we will stay inside for recess. 


What are the expectations in the cafeteria (procedures)?

  • You will sit in your designated assigned seat (seating chart)

    • Students will be able to use the vending machine after they have received their school lunch. Students need to raise their hands to ask permission for a snack. There is a one snack limit per student. (No snacks on Wednesday) On the day of Wildcat Wagon (Friday), will choose one or the other. 

    • The bathroom will only be used in the case of an emergency

    • Students should not be out of their seat for any given reason

    • Once we leave the classroom to go to lunch, recess, or Specials, it is important to bring the items you would need, students will not be able to return back to class by themselves


Does the bell dismiss you?

The bell doesn't dismiss you. The teacher will dismiss you.

žDo not pack your things while we are still working.

žI will look for whatever table or student who is following directions and have them line up first.

žListening and following directions is very important.


What are some goals you will set for yourselves this school year? 

View students' responses


How do you get the teacher's attention?

  • I will use the bell to signal for your attention

  • I will use clapping to signal for your attention (DO not clap with me, clap after I have finished clapping)

  •  I will ask students to model PAWS (ALL PAWS need to be up)

  • I will count down or up to let you know I need your attention


What is the expectations for homework?

Math homework will be assigned daily.  Math homework will be due the next day. In order to receive full credit, you would need to turn in your homework on time. 

žReading and science homework packets will be due on Fridays. 


What is the cup system used for in the cafeteria? 

The cup system will be utilized to help management and track the behavior of the entire class.

  • Red: Enter the cafeteria silently (listen for directions). (no talking while standing in line or eating)

  • Green: You may talk (inside voices)

  • Yellow: Slow down, your getting a little loud    

  • Red: Stop (students are silent until teacher arrives) 


What are the expectations for walking in line and traveling up and down the stairs? 

  • Traveling Up/Down the Stairs: Students are not ALLOWED to be out of the teacher’s view 

  • Students should not get out of line, look over the stairway, place both hands on the rails, skip some of the steps, constantly moving in line 

  • We have stopping points as we travel up/down the stairs to make sure we stay together

  • (Always) Face forward. Hands to yourself. ABSOLUTLY No talking in line! You are to remain silent in line. 

  • Raise your hand if you need to speak to the teacher while walking in line (otherwise no talking). 


What are some positive ways you can support yourselves and others? 

* staying positive (positive word choices)

* being pro-active about your learning and supporting your peers
