What should you do if you have a question or need to say something?
Raise your hand quietly and wait to be called on.
Blurting is not an option!
1 - What can you do if someone is bothering you?
2 - What can you do if someone is being distracting ?
Ask them to stop without blurting (1)
Ask them to get on task with a firm but quiet voice (2) - No blurting!
Ignore (1 & 2)
Sit and work by yourself (1 & 2)
Tell a teacher without blurting (1& 2)
What should you do if you don't understand something?
Ask for help - friend or teacher
Where can you find a pencil?
The bucket on the desk by the door.
If none, ask the teacher
What does independent work mean?
- Working quietly - 0 VOICE LEVEL -
- On your own without help from others.
- Focused
- No wandering to chat with friends
- Completing and submitting work during class time
During mini-lesson, what should you do?
- Listen attentively (I pad down) - 0 interruptions!
- Take notes (notebook or digital)
- Raise your hand for further questions
- Wait for the end of the lesson for bathroom/water
(before asking for a bathroom/water break, make
sure your planner is duly completed and digital
pass ready for teacher's passcode)
Why is it important to take your time when doing your work?
To make sure you do it properly and answer the question
What should you do if you borrow something? (Scissors, glue, ruler, etc.)
How do you catch up when you are absent?
Blackboard - Looking at the first slide posted in the unit - you will find a link to the day you missed.
Call a friend
Email the teacher
How can you show respect to others in the class?
Listen to others without any judgement
Eyes on the speakers when they are talking
Use kind words
Follow the classroom rules and routines
How can you show you are paying attention during a mini-lesson?
Not talking
Eyes forward
I pad down
1 - Where do you submit work?
2 - When do you submit work?
Google classroom in BB (1)
SAVVAS digital plateform (1)
Paper - in the bin by the door (1)
Due date (2)
If unclear (not stated on the assignment, please ask) - (1&2)
What is the first thing you should do when entering the classroom?
-Take my ELA book-MyPerspectives
-Write down on my planner what I am going to learn
-Make sure I have my library book and a pencil
- Ask for a chromebook if my Ipad needs to be charged.
How can you show good sportsmanship?
Take turns
Be encouraging
Celebrate others success
How do I know that you are on task?
Doing your work
Sitting in your desk
How should you take care of class materials?
With respect. They are not yours. Use them properly
What does Small Group Learning mean?
- Working with all members of the group.
- Sharing ideas
- Participating to elaborate a common
- Taking turns to talk/share
- No wandering to chat with friends
- Completing and submitting work during class time
- Be accountable, be part of the group effort
What can you do if you hurt someone (hurt their feelings/ have hands on)?
Explain what happened
Give them space
Ask for help (school counselor - teachers)
What is a growth mindset?
Believing you can get better with practice and effort.
Saying "not yet" instead of "I can't"
What should you do before leaving the classroom?
Make sure your space is neat, no trash on the floor or the table.
Make sure you take all your materials to your next class.