The most used Disc Combo
What is a Speed Disc?
(Also accepted: "What is dS?")
Straight into Uppercut
How all Moves are executed
What are Poses?
The studio behind RUMBLE VR
Who are Buckethead Entertainment?
Summoning a pillar/wall under another pillar/wall
What is a Topple?
Using Hold on a structure to spring it forward right as/before you you hit it
Charge Chambering /
Charge Battery
What is using the Charge gained from one structure on a different structure?
The result of spawning an initially grounded structure (pillar/wall/cube) under a stationary structure
What is Structure Launching?
The most popular RUMBLE Youtuber
The result of Speed Discing while facing a structure that one dashed in front of
What is Mojodashing?
How most hit combos are most commonly portrayed in text by most experienced players
What is Standard Notation?
(Also accepted: "What is shortening abbreviating the pose names into their first letters, where structures, shiftstone-given poses and thumbstick movement are lowercase while all other poses are uppercase?")
What is using a structure to Push/Pull another structure for defense or offense?
The result of holding/flicking a structure under oneself while mid-air
What is Flight?
The player with the most BP
Who is BIVN?
The longest well-known Hit Combo
What is UKSUK?
(Also accepted: "What is UpperKick StrupperKick?")
The most awkward Hit Combo
What is SKU?
(Also accepted: "What is Hoppercut?")
Flick God Full Ascension
What is catching a Cube/Wall at or above 80% jump height with flick, using Flow stone to jump again while above 80% jump height, gaining momentum from the caught Cube/Wall (but not mounting it for flight), and then hitting your opponent with the caught Cube/Wall?
(Also accepted: "some nerd baloney")
The instantaneous pause of momentum that occurs when one structure hits or gets hit by another, weaker structure
What is Hitstop?
The creature atop the central mound in the tech demo
What is a Wooden Lion?
The Longest Hit Combo without Movement
What is UKKSUK?
(Also accepted: "What is UpperKick Kick StrupperKick?")
The Longest Hit Combo WITH Movement
(Also accepted: "What is Wall UpperKick Dash UpperKick Dash Double-Kick Jump Double-Kick Flow-Jump Kick-Uppercut-Hop?")
Weaver of Fate
What is a Flick God Full Ascension with a Puppet Master where both the FGFA and the Structure hit at the same time
(Also accepted: "I don't know, man.")
The result of hitting a moving structure with two different, weaker structures one right after another
What is Deadstop?
(Double Points)
The coolest person in the game
Who is LostMindSparrow?