Who is the person who boasted that their daughter could spin straw into gold?
The Miller
The Miller’s Daughter was locked in a room filled with what material
The first item Rumpelstiltskin took in exchange for spinning straw into gold
A necklace
The number of letters in Rumpelstiltskin’s name
The reward the King promised the Miller’s Daughter if she succeeded
Becoming the Queen
This royal figure demanded the Miller’s Daughter spin straw into gold.
The King
Rumpelstiltskin’s final demand in exchange for his help on the third night
Miller’s Daughter’s firstborn child
The second item Rumpelstiltskin took in exchange for his help
A ring
The place where Rumpelstiltskin’s name was overheard
The woods
The consequence if the Miller’s Daughter failed to spin straw into gold
This character helped the Miller’s Daughter in exchange for her necklace, ring, and a promise.
What was the number of days the Queen had to guess Rumpelstiltskin’s name
The final deal Rumpelstiltskin made with the Miller’s Daughter
Her first born child
The person who discovered Rumpelstiltskin’s name
The messenger
The emotion Rumpelstiltskin felt when the Queen guessed his name
This character became queen after spinning straw into gold three times
Miller’s Daughter
The Queen offered this in exchange for keeping her child, but Rumpelstiltskin refused.
Riches of the Kingdom
The material Rumpelstiltskin spun into gold
What was the activity Rumpelstiltskin was doing when he revealed his name.
The fate of Rumpelstiltskin after his name was revealed
He destroyed himself
This character overheard Rumpelstiltskin singing his name in the woods
The messenger
The way Rumpelstiltskin met his end after the Queen guessed his name
Tearing himself into 2 from the feet
What did the Queen offer Rumpelstiltskin to keep her child
The Kingdom Riches
The phrase Rumpelstiltskin sang that revealed his name
Rumpelstiltskin is my name
Final outcome for the Queen and her child
Lived Safely