Fix the Run-on Sentence
Sentence or Sentence Fragments
Write it to Win it!

Choose the corrected sentence or sentences that fix the run-on sentence: I like learning English it makes me tired. 

A) I like learning English, but it makes me tired. 

B) I like learning, English, but it makes me tired.

C) I like learning English but, it makes me tired.

A) I like learning English, but it makes me tired


Is it a sentence or sentence fragment? If it is a sentence fragment, fix it.

After I get home from school.

sentence fragment

Example of fixed sentence:

After I get home from school, I usually eat a snack and relax for thirty minutes.


First identify if the example below is a sentence fragment or a run-on sentence. Then correct it by writing and fixing whatever needs to be done.

Her father was a successful.


---many ways to correct it----



Is it a sentence or sentence fragment? If it is a sentence fragment, fix it.

Last year, my mother and I took a trip to Taipei.



First identify if the example below is a sentence fragment or a run-on sentence. Then correct it by writing and fixing whatever needs to be done.

When I get older I want to have a big family I like big families.

run-on sentence

When I get older I want to have a big family because I like big families.

When I get older I want to have a big family. I like big families.

I like big families; therefore, when I get older I want to have a big family.


Choose the corrected sentence or sentences that fix the run-on sentence: My sister was taller than me when we were young now I am the tallest it is fun. 

A) My sister was taller than me when we were young, but now I am the tallest; but which is fun. 

B)  My sister was taller than me when we were young, but now I am the tallest. Which is fun. 

C) My sister was taller than me when we were young. Now I am the tallest, which is fun.

C) My sister was taller than me when we were young. Now I am the tallest, which is fun.



First identify if the example below is a sentence fragment or a run-on sentence. Then correct it by writing and fixing whatever needs to be done.

Is a difficult thing to do.


---many ways to correct it----


Choose the corrected sentence or sentences that fix the run-on sentence: My friends and family and I are going to dinner tonight.

A) My friends, and family and I are going to dinner tonight.

B) My friends, family, and I are going to dinner tonight.

C) My friends and family, and I are going to dinner tonight. My sister are coming to dinner tonight. 

B) My friends, family, and I are going to dinner tonight.


Is it a sentence or sentence fragment? If it is a sentence fragment, fix it.

Spending time with friends.

sentence fragment

Example of fixed sentence:

Spending time with friends is my favorite thing to do.

I really like spending time with friends.



Choose the corrected sentence or sentences that fix the run-on sentence: I don’t want much for Christmas just some chocolates and a little toy car. 

A) I don’t want much for Christmas. I would be happy with some chocolates and a little toy car 

B) I don’t want much for Christmas, just some chocolates and a little toy car. 

C) I don’t want much for Christmas, because, I would be happy with some chocolates and a little toy car 

A) I don’t want much for Christmas. I would be happy with some chocolates and a little toy car 


Is it a sentence or sentence fragment? If it is a sentence fragment, fix it.

If you find a wallet on the street, you should.

sentence fragment

Example of fixed sentence:

If you find a wallet on the street, you should take it to the police.


First identify if the example below is a sentence fragment or a run-on sentence. Then correct it by writing and fixing whatever needs to be done.

The adorable lion cubs.


---many ways to correct it----
