RO - F - CS
Combining Sentence I
Combining Sentences II
Narrator & POV
Misc. EOC 1 ?s
Before I left for school on Sunday morning. (RO - F - CS?)
What is Fragment - now fix it: Before I left for school on Sunday morning. (also tell me where the one comma would go)
Combine these 2 sentences into one sentence by inserting a word or words fromt he second sentence into the first one. Add punctuation marks and change the forms of words where necessary: The show's music has a loud beat. It is thumping.
What is - The shows music has a loud, thumping beat. ( you need a comma because you can flip-flop LOUD and THUMPING and it still makes sense)
Select the letter of the connecting word that best links each pair of phrases: I am going to the meeting, ___ I am going to speak out. (a) and (b) although (c) still (d) however
What is (a) and
Michael hummed as he shaved. Perhaps this day wouldn't be as bad as the last. In fact, he knew it wouldn't be, and that was why he hummed. (a) 1st person pov (b) 3rd person objective (c) 3rd person omniscient
What is (c) 3rd person omniscient - 3rd person = character is not in the story + omniscient = narrator knows thoughts
Which sentence shows correct comma usage? (a) For example, Knoxville is currently in the Eastern time zone. (b) For example Knoxville, is currently in the Eastern time zone. (c) For example Knoxville is, currently, in the Eastern time zone.
What is (a) For example, Knoxville is currently in the Eastern time zone.
Lenny gave me a cookie it actually tasted good.
What is a Run-On -- now correct it: Lenny gave me a cookie it actually tasted good.
Combine these 2 sentences into one sentence by inserting a word or words fromt he second sentence into the first one. Add punctuation marks and change the forms of words where necessary: The apartment has high ceilings. The apartment is large.
What is - The large apartment has high ceilings.
I love to sew, ___ I don't have much time. (a) but (b) and (c) because (d) since
What is (a) but - I love to sew, but I don't have much time.
I don't have much work to do around the house. My mom does that. And I don't have to earn my spending money. (a) 1st person pov (b) 3rd person objective (c) 3rd person omniscient
What is (a) 1st person pov - 1st person = a character in the story is telling the story.
Which task would be the most important to consider in a group's preparation for a presentation? (a) assigning all the research to the team member who most likes to read (b) taking each memeber's ideas into consideration before making major decisions (c) having each member prepare a section of the speech and then combining them before the presentation (d) decide who is the best speaker so that person can practice giving the presentation
What is (b) take each member's ideas into consideration before making major decision ---- use the process of elimination for multiple-choice ?s.
How clearly was the trail marked? (RO - F - CS?)
What is a Complete Sentence. What one word is the subject? What two words make up the verb?
Combine these 2 sentences into one sentence by inserting a word or words fromt he second sentence into the first one. Add punctuation marks and change the forms of words where necessary: They live in villages. The villages are on or near three major rivers.
What is - They live in villages on or near three major rivers.
Voting is a right; ___, voting is also a responsibility. (a) since (b) as well as (c) however (d) because
What is (c) however - Voting is a right; however, voting is also a responsibility.
In this stanze of the poem what TONE is created? (a) frightened (b) unconcerned (c) peaceful (d) disappointed - from THE POEM THAT GOT AWAY: ...I'll write it later on, I said,...The idea's clear and so's my head.... This pen I have is nearly dry.... What I'll do now is finish this pie,...the on to the perfect poem!
What is (b) unconcerned (I'll write it later on...I'll finish my pie)
Which transitional word best fits? Hillary's spirit of exploration was not satisfied. ____, he joined an expedition to Antarctica and reached the South Pole in 1958. (a) Instead (b) Consequently (c) Furthermore (d) Similarly
What is (b) Consequently - Hillary's spirit of exploration was not satisfied. CONSEQUENTLY, he joined an expedition to Antarctica and reached the South Pole in 1958.
When we went to the Outer Banks for Thanksgiving in 2007. (RO - F - CS)
What is a Fragment - now make it a complete sentence: When we went to the Outer Banks for Thanksgiving in 2007. (also tell me where the one comma would go)
Combine these 2 sentences into one sentence by inserting a word or words from the second sentence into the first one. Add punctuation marks and change the forms of words where necessary: B.B. King continues the blues tradition. He is a contemporary singer and composer.
What is - B.B. King, who is a contemporary singer and composer, continues the blues tradition.
I will leave early today ___ I have been running late for work. (a) and (b) but (c) since (d) yet
What is (c) since - I will elave early today since I have been running late for work.
In this stanze of the poem what MOOD is created? (a) tense (b) relaxed (c) professional (d) upsetting - from THE POEM THAT GOT AWAY: ...I'll write it later on, I said,...The idea's clear and so's my head.... This pen I have is nearly dry.... What I'll do now is finish this pie,...the on to the perfect poem!
What is (b) relaxed (I'll write it later on...The idea's clear and so's my head...I'll finish my pie)
Which website would be the best choice for further information about Sir Edmund Hillary (a great 20th century explorer)? (a) (b) (c) (d)
What is (b) (.org = an organization --> .org sites have more credibility because they must be owned by an organization)
The election results have been counted the winner will be announced shortly. (RO - F - CS)
What is a Run-On - Now fix it: The election results have been counted the winner will be announced shortly.
Combine these 2 sentences into one sentence by inserting a word or words fromt he second sentence into the first one. Add punctuation marks and change the forms of words where necessary: Swimming is an excellent form of exercise. Jogging is an excellent form of exercise.
What is - Swimming and Jogging are excellent forms of exercise.
Which is the best way to combine these sentences - The room was hot. The room was stuffy. The room was airless. I could hardly breathe. (a) I could hardly breathe in that hot, stuffy, airless room. (b) The room was hot and stuffy; the room was airless; I could hardly breathe.
What is (a) I could hardly breathe in th at hot, stuffy, airless room.
SURPRISE QUESTION: The benefit is that it would gain an hour of daylight in the morning. When children usually are waiting for school buses. What is the correct way to write the sentence to avoid a sentence fragment? (a) morning when (b) morning; when (c) morning: and when (d) morning; and when
What is (a) morning when The benefit is that it would gain an hour of daylight in the morning when children usually are waiting for school buses. ("when children usually are waiting for school buses" is a dependent clause. Since it comes after the main clause - no comma is needed.)
An example of this can be found in this passage - ...darkness and brilliance spinning around each other like a pair o caribou. (a) personification (b) idiom (c) simile (d) alliteration
What is (c) Simile ----- compares darkness and brilliance to a pair of caribou - using like.