What year and month was Sombre Vigil created?
November 2020
This character used to be strong, but now he walks on all fours.
Robert The Strong, Bob the Cat
These three gods show up the most frequently across Runescape lore, especially older releases.
Zamorak, Guthix, Saradomin
Successfully cooking a shark will award how much XP?
Before Sombre Vigil taught bossing, what activity did we spam to increase clannie's combat levels?
This "villain" still lives with their mother
Evil Dave
This item received their name from a (non-elder) god
Staff of Armadyl
Gunnar's Ground is a replacement for which older quest still found in OSRS?
Romeo & Juliet
This minigame has many memes created around it.
He was the fifth member of a clan, simply because a fifth member was needed.
The Temple Knights are overseen by which person?
Sir Vey Lance
These two areas were previously locked by pay to play but are now free to play.
Taverly & Burthorpe
How did our clan get our name?
Zarosian Death Cult
Before he relinquished his leadership in his clan, this person was the head of intelligence.
Most commonly known as the Black Knights, their formal name sounds quite different
Before entering Morytania's Swamps, players must start what quest?
Nature Spirit
Aside from the one random member, what were the names of the four clan founders?
Rider, Rachel, 120 Magic, Slickraccoon
Small of stature,
Green of skin,
This creature was hated for "spin spin spin!"
The name of Varrock's secret organization against Morytania
Society of the Owl