Name one Timbiebs flavour
Possible answers: Sour cream chocolate chip, chocolate white fudge, birthday cake waffle
Is the Patella a landmark?
What is the main bone is affected by Runner’s Knee?
Name one symptom of Runner’s Knee
Possible answers: pain, popping, grinding
Name one of the treatments for Runner’s Knee
Possible answers: rest, specific medications, light exercise, physiotherapy
What’s the most-liked photo on Instagram?
The Instagram egg
Name a famous person with Runner’s Knee that was mentioned during our presentation.
Possible answers: Kimberly, George W. Bush
What type of bone is the Patella? Please define that specific type of bone.
The patella is a sesamoid bone - which are bones wrapped within tendons
Who diagnoses Runner’s Knee?
A doctor/licensed medical professional
Why does maintaining strength help with Runner’s Knee?
Helps keep the knee balanced during exercise
Name three of Taylor Swift’s albums
Possible answers: Red, Lover, Speak Now, Evermore, Folklore
What is another name for Runner's Knee?
Patellofemoral Syndrome
What type of joint is affected by the Runner’s Knee?
Hint: think of how your knee functions
The hinge joint
How is Runner’s Knee diagnosed?
A doctor conducts a physical exam, MRI, blood test, x-ray, CT scan
What type of care should those who may be susceptible to Runner’s Knee focus on?
Preventative care
Who was the most streamed artist on Spotify 2021?
Justin Bieber
Why do you think people get Runner’s Knee?
People get Runner’s Knee because they have weak leg muscles (predominately the quadriceps), overuse, injury, bones are not lined up
Which muscle should you work out to decrease the likelihood of getting Runner’s Knee, and what is one exercise that works out this muscle?
Quadriceps and answers may vary (ie. squats, lunges, etc.)
Why might increasing mileage increase the likelihood of getting Runner’s Knee?
You’re increasing the usage of your knee when running more, thereby straining your knee
Why do cushioned shoes increase the risk of Runner’s Knee?
Hint: Recall CBC Marketplace video
Causes runners to land with more impact on their heels, affecting the knee joints and bones
What is the most disliked video of all time on YouTube?
Youtube rewind 2018
Name one type of sport that is more susceptible to runner’s knee that has NOT been mentioned in this presentation and please explain why.
Possible answers: basketball, tennis, (sports that are intense and require more running/use of knee joint and bone)
Name the bones (other than the patella) that are affected by Runner’s Knee.
Tibia, femur, fibula
What is Runner’s Knee?
Pain at the front of the knee caused by a variety of different conditions such as injury or overuse
What type of intense exercise should athletes avoid in order to minimize the chances of getting Runner’s Knee?
Athletes should avoid increasing mileage drastically or incorporating too much hill work